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Deaths in: 1909

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Gender Age Father Death place Wikidata WikiTree
1909/100001 Perth Donald Eliza F 61 - Unknown BUGG Perth
1909/100005 Perth Martin John Thomas M 39 - - Perth
1909/100006 Perth Ferry Unnamed F Not born alive Isabella Moir MILNE John Thompson FERRY Maylands
1909/100007 Perth Lightfoot Allen James M 1 Lilian May CLARK Arthur Allen LIGHTFOOT North Perth
1909/100008 Perth McArthur John Edward Christopher M 37 Alice Annie MCCALLOCK John Edward MCARTHUR Perth
1909/100009 Perth Jones Percy Alfred McDonough M 31 Mary Calista GORMAN Alfred JONES Perth
1910/100010 Perth Ah Joong - M 25 - Fong TOW Perth
1909/100010 Perth McDonald Elsie F 2 months Louisa Elizabeth JONES William MCDONALD East Perth
1909/100011 Perth Darby William Edward M 30 - - Perth
1909/100012 Perth Cortis William Richard M 62 - - Perth
1909/100013 Perth Henderson James Robert M 26 Emma WADESON John Scott HENDERSON Perth
1909/100014 Perth Mitchell Henry William M 35 Mary Emma SHIVEREL Henry MITCHELL Perth
1909/100015 Perth McLarty John Pollard M 67 Ann POLLARD John MCLARTY Perth
1909/100016 Perth Stevens Henry M 62 - - Perth
1909/100017 Perth O'Reilly Mary Kate F 42 Catherine LEAHY Edward MILLIGAN Perth
1909/100018 Perth Davies Sabina F 13 months Amy SCHWIND Albert DAVIES Perth
1909/100019 Perth Jerred Unnamed M Not born alive Emily Helen JERRED - Perth
1909/100020 Perth Windham Billy M 56 - - Perth
1909/100021 Perth Goff Louisa F 15 Mary Jane JOHNSTONE Charles William GOFF Perth
1909/100022 Perth Meyn Emily Constance F 20 Sarah RICHARDS Edward SMITH Perth
1909/100023 Perth Halliday Frances Ada F 34 - John COCKMAN Perth
1909/100024 Perth Joplin Ralph Crondace M 47 - Ralph JOPLIN Perth
1909/100025 Perth Hossack Unnamed M Not born alive Mary FLETCHER Arthur George HOSSACK South Perth
1909/100026 Perth James Violet Victoria F 21 Annie WATKINS Samuel JAMES Perth
1909/100027 Perth King Ben Keith M 10 Selina Ann Jane DEWAR William James KING Belmont
1909/100028 Perth Jefferson George M 62 - - Perth
1909/100029 Perth Hudson Unnamed M Not born alive Annie Louisa Mary WOOD Owen Thomas HUDSON North Perth
1909/100030 Perth Farmer William Henry Francis M 45 Sarah Ann GOULD William Francis FARMER Perth
1909/100031 Perth Jordan Raymond John M 11 weeks Helene MEAGHER John JORDAN North Perth
1909/100032 Perth Manning William Henry M 25 - - Perth
1909/100033 Perth Phillips Frank M 42 Emily UNKNOWN William Serple PHILLIPS Perth
1909/100034 Perth Seery Cecelia F 30 Margaret DIVENEY John SWEENEY Perth
1909/100035 Perth Elliott Unnamed F Not born alive Helen FARMER Ernest Thomas ELLIOTT North Perth
1909/100036 Perth Reader Unnamed M 2 hours Florence Emiline ANDREWS William READER Perth
1909/100037 Perth Bolton Unnamed F Not born alive Julia Maud BOLTON - North Perth
1909/100038 Perth Jones Thomas M 46 - - Perth
1909/100039 Perth Franks Veronica F 2 days Minnie NORMAN John William FRANKS Perth
1909/100040 Perth James Ruby Myrtle F 16 Annie WATKINS Samuel JAMES Perth
1909/100041 Perth Hosegood George Hill M 46 - James HOSEGOOD Perth
1909/100042 Perth Pearson Rose Elizabeth Watson F 2 months Ruth Harriet PEARSON - Maylands
1909/100043 Perth Richards Rosa Mary F 39 Rosanna FARMER John RICHARDS Perth
1909/100044 Perth Bowen David M 59 Sarah UNKNOWN Walter BOWEN Perth
1909/100045 Perth Sandeman John Arthur M 34 Margaret JOHNSON William SANDEMAN Perth
1909/100046 Perth Anderson Unnamed M 3 hours Ethel COOK James ANDERSON East Perth
1909/100047 Perth McNamara William Patrick M 46 - - Perth
1909/100048 Perth Sten Talma Marie F 12 Lena CARSWELL John STEN Perth
1909/100049 Perth Schildt Mary Louisa F 51 Mary Jane CORNISH John CORNISH Perth
1909/100050 Perth Kelly Marjorie Campbell F 9 months Mary KELLY - Perth
1909/100051 Perth Streams George Manvel M 2 Edith Ethel GOLDSMITH Arthur STREAMS Perth
1909/100052 Perth Whelan Emily Ann F 25 Ann GREEN James Pearce MACKIE Perth
1909/100053 Perth Dit Fattorini Herbert Alfred Lamonnerie M 43 Bridgette MCMAHON Charles Lamonnerie DIT FATTORINI Perth
1909/100054 Perth Caster John Constantine M 65 - - Perth
1909/100055 Perth Rusha Ivy Louisa F 15 weeks Louisa Margaret MORRISON John Alexander RUSHA Perth
1909/100056 Perth Breheney Unnamed M Not born alive Sarah MULLIN Edward James BREHENEY Maylands
1909/100057 Perth Liddelow Ada F 17 Hannah COLLARD Edwin Joyce LIDDELOW Perth
1909/100058 Perth Griffiths Unnamed M Not born alive Annie Hester BODENHAM Harry GRIFFITHS Perth
1909/100059 Perth McKean Agnes F 76 - James CRAIG North Perth
1909/100060 Perth Johnston Owen M 2 months Elizabeth MCKAY Robert Nicoll JOHNSTON Maylands
1909/100061 Perth Andrews Susan Eliza Sophia F 57 - - Perth
1909/100062 Perth Bunney Daisy F 6 months Madeline BUNNEY - Perth
1909/100063 Perth Cuthbert William M 38 Annie UNKNOWN William CUTHBERT Perth
1909/100064 Perth Nolan Edward M 41 Margaret COLLINS Edward NOLAN Perth
1909/100065 Perth Stewart Alice Frances F 11 Alice MCLAURIN Robert STEWART Perth
1909/100066 Perth Finemore Elizabeth F 59 Susannah BOWTON John HARROLD Perth
1909/100067 Perth McCarthy Florance Peter M 44 Ellen DRISCOLL Jeremiah MCCARTHY Perth
1909/100068 Perth Moody Mary Jane F 67 Sarah HORNE Thomas JAQUES East Perth
1909/100069 Perth Flynn Alfred M 38 - - Perth
1909/100070 Perth Webb Unnamed M Not born alive May WEBB - Perth
1909/100071 Perth Woodthorpe Ernest M 11 Alice Maud MCCUTCHEON Thomas WOODTHORPE West Perth
1909/100072 Perth Edsall Henry David Howes M 55 - - Perth
1909/100073 Perth Stewart Alice F 32 Annie BALLANTYNE George MCLAURIN Perth
1909/100074 Perth Misworth John M 69 - - Perth
1909/100075 Perth Dethridge Douglas M 3 weeks Jenny PARSONS Charles Edward DETHRIDGE Perth
1909/100076 Perth Varian Bernetta Eileen F 6 months Agnes JONES James VARIAN Perth
1909/100077 Perth Cotties Ellen F 77 - Unknown MAHER Perth
1909/100078 Perth Hicks Myra Evelyn F 15 months Adeline MATTINGLY William Henry HICKS Perth
1909/100079 Perth Pearce Richard John M 2 Mary CLEARY Richard PEARCE Perth
1909/100080 Perth Montague Unnamed F 18 hours May HODSON Albert Henry MONTAGUE Bayswater
1909/100081 Perth Russell Thomas M 60 - - West Perth
1909/100082 Perth Miller James M 45 - - Perth
1909/100083 Perth Jerred Emily F 23 Jane NAGEL John JERRED Perth
1909/100084 Perth Read Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel READ - Perth
1909/100085 Perth Laidlaw Hasel May F 1 day Mary Hannah HASELHURST James LAIDLAW West Perth
1909/100086 Perth Carter William M 45 Rose MORRIS Richard CARTER Perth
1909/100087 Perth Jost Francis M 12 days Helena WALKER Charles JOST Maylands
1909/100088 Perth Sheridan Sophia F 54 Bella UNKNOWN David HITCHCOCK East Perth
1909/100089 Perth Bloomer Jane F 40 Kate FORAN Peter MCGOWAN Perth
1909/100090 Perth Suary Ann F 53 Ann MARSHALL Thomas DAVISON Perth
1909/100091 Perth Williams Selina Marion F 80 - Bailey GRAHAM Highgate Hill
1909/100092 Perth Siney Hugh M 49 Elizabeth HEFFERMAN Patrick SINEY Perth
1909/100093 Perth Harman Esme F 4 months May HARMAN - Perth
1909/100094 Perth Millar Unnamed M Not born alive Edith Lona CADZOW James MILLAR West Perth
1909/100095 Perth White Alice F 83 WINDER Samuel GARDNER Perth
1909/100096 Perth Fox Mary F 71 - - Mt Lawley
1909/100097 Perth Plant David M 70 - Charles PLANT Perth
1909/100098 Perth Taylor William Rouson M 76 - - West Perth
1909/100099 Perth Gamble Arnold Edward M 35 Sarah CORNISH Charles GAMBLE Perth
1909/100100 Perth Taylor George M 20 - - Perth
1909/100101 Perth Cowan Edward M 54 - James COWAN Perth
1909/100102 Perth Kelly Archibald M 70 EMMA Archibald KELLY East Perth
1909/100103 Perth Treacy William John M 8 Bridget HEALEY Hugh TREACY Perth
1909/100104 Perth Harris Joseph M 58 - Unknown HARRIS Perth
1909/100105 Perth Vann Colin Henry M 4 Catherine DONOUGHUE Harry VANN Perth
1909/100106 Perth Rogers Unnamed F Not born alive Emily Marian BROWN Francis Leopold ROGERS North Perth
1909/100107 Perth Hayden Unnamed M Not born alive Mary Ann SHIELS Edwin James Francis HAYDEN East Perth
1909/100108 Perth Cross Richard William M 46 Georgina PETTIT George CROSS Perth
1909/100109 Perth Lush Albert M 1 month Catherine RATTIGAN Curtis Murray LUSH Perth
1909/100110 Perth Manning Thomas M 47 Elizabeth HOOLIGHAN James MANNING Perth
1909/100111 Perth Ah Yee - M 37 - - South Perth
1909/100112 Perth Dewar Unnamed M Not born alive Maria Louise SAUNDERS John Wilson DEWAR Perth
1909/100113 Perth Orams Rita F 14 days Emma CHAMBERLAIN Albert ORAMS Perth
1909/100114 Perth Congress Alice May F 9 months Louisa FALLA John CONGRESS North Perth
1909/100115 Perth Barry Charles Officer M 15 months Emily BUCKLEY Thomas BARRY West Perth
1909/100116 Perth Johnson Charles M 70 - - Perth
1909/100117 Perth Witney Darcy Eric M 13 Frances WERRETT Joseph WITNEY Perth
1909/100118 Perth Dwyer Patrick M 28 Mary FAHEY Michael DWYER Perth
1909/100119 Perth Cranley William M 25 Ellen HOURIGAN Timothy CRANLEY Perth
1909/100120 Perth Cohen Esther Rachael F 71 - - Perth
1909/100121 Perth Whittaker Lucy Ann F 74 Lucy UNKNOWN John George PETTINGALE Perth
1909/100122 Perth Whelan Mary Ann F 18 months Elizabeth DUNN Hugh WHELAN Perth
1909/100123 Perth Steffen Henry M 53 - - Perth
1909/100124 Perth Hoddy Patrick M 41 Mary CONNOR William HODDY Perth
1909/100125 Perth Shearer George Johnson M 44 Jaimamia JOHNSTON George SHEARER Perth
1909/100126 Perth Curley Teddy M 30 - - Perth
1909/100127 Perth Watson Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel LOND Alexander WATSON Mt Lawley
1909/100128 Perth Mckenzie Angerline Ivy F 3 months Theresa Mary WILLIAMS John MCKENZIE Perth
1909/100129 Perth Walsh Elizabeth Muriel F 2 Maria Ernestine HELD Herbert Shirley WALSH Perth
1909/100130 Perth Ryan William John M 3 Ellen Emily EMBLING William RYAN Perth
1909/100131 Perth O'Connor Eileen Harriet F 8 months Harriet Klara HENNETT Frederick Francis O'CONNOR Perth
1909/100132 Perth Vaughan Unnamed M 30 minutes Margaret Jane DANIELS Ernest Webb VAUGHAN Maylands
1909/100133 Perth Linney Cleveland William M 19 Mary Ann BEVAN William LINNEY Perth
1909/100134 Perth Tippett Annie F 41 - William TIPPETT Perth
1909/100135 Perth Webber Edward M 56 - WEBBER Perth
1909/100136 Perth Saggers William M 48 Eliza JONES William SAGGERS Perth
1909/100137 Perth Marriott Kathleen F 68 Kathleen NOONAN John MARRIOTT Highgate Hill
1909/100138 Perth Bentley Charles Lewis M 4 Mildred Edith HASLEWOOD George Herbert BENTLEY South Perth
1909/100139 Perth Carey Frederick Fletcher M 42 Elizabeth SHIELDS Thomas Campbell CAREY Perth
1909/100140 Perth Thomas Myrtle F 6 days Emma BURCHELL Herbert THOMAS North Perth
1909/100141 Perth Quin Ethel May F 21 Sarah MOORE Robert QUIN Perth
1909/100142 Perth Tiddy Richard M 51 - - Perth
1909/100143 Perth Donegan Unnamed F Not born alive Catherine MULLEN Frank DONEGAN North Perth
1909/100145 Perth Plummer David Clarence M 9 months Catherine WHITE - Perth
1909/100146 Perth Cowell Jane Ann F 64 - - West Perth
1909/100147 Perth Dorrington Mary Ann Priscilla F 25 Mary Ann Priscilla SMITH John CLEAL West Perth
1909/100148 Perth Hopwood Thomas M 56 - - Perth
1909/100149 Perth Deering John William M 84 Catherine DOUGLAS John DEERING Perth
1909/100150 Perth Coombe Simon M 36 Ann BENNETTS John COOMBE Perth
1909/100151 Perth O'Hehir Timothy M 47 Bridget MCNAMARA Timothy O'HEHIR Perth
1909/100152 Perth Skinner Unnamed M Not born alive Mary Ann MACAULAY Percy SKINNER West Perth
1909/100153 Perth Platell Leslie Arthur M 6 days Ellen WILLCOX Isaac PLATELL Burswood
1909/100154 Perth Hayes Patricia Catherine F 2 Sarah CAMPBELL John HAYES Perth
1909/100155 Perth Sharpe William M 10 months Alice GURNEY William SHARPE East Perth
1909/100156 Perth Frank Constantine M 45 Adeline BRITTON Nicholas FRANK Perth
1909/100157 Perth Way Ing M 40 - - Perth
1909/100158 Perth Mitchell Jessie Marie F 5 months Emily Louisa FORDS Thomas William Frederick MITCHELL Mt Lawley
1909/100159 Perth Sundstrom Anna Sophia F 67 - - South Perth
1909/100160 Perth Warbrook William M 27 Mary BOYLE John WARBROOK East Perth
1909/100161 Perth Newman Harry Raymond M 13 months Ethel Amelia CAUST Harry William NEWMAN Osborne Park
1909/100162 Perth Balls Edith F 44 - - Perth
1909/100163 Perth Woodhouse Louisa F 48 - Unknown SMITH Perth
1909/100164 Perth Porter Richard Stephen Barber M 4 months Minnie Gertrude PORTER - Perth
1909/100165 Perth Hart Elsie F 3 Jane WARBURTON Frederick Augustus HART Perth
1909/100166 Perth Phillips William Thomas M 34 Elizabeth Ann BOUNDY Richard PHILLIPS North Perth
1909/100167 Perth Farrell George Sidney M 29 Mary Ann GEORGE George William FARRELL Perth
1909/100168 Perth Griffiths Marshall M 7 weeks Clara GRIFFITHS - Perth
1909/100169 Perth Freer George M 56 - George FREER West Perth
1909/100170 Perth Londerigan William M 7 months Mary LYNCH Michael LONDERIGAN Perth
1909/100171 Perth McLean Maud Isabella F 31 UNKNOWN William BEEKINGHAM Perth
1909/100172 Perth Carmody Arthur M 38 - - Perth
1909/100173 Perth Canning Unnamed M Not born alive Helena Davidson WILKINSON Percy Henry George CANNING West Perth
1909/100174 Perth Achimovich Spiro M 67 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100175 Perth Silva Maud F 34 Emily HUTCHINSON George HOOKER Perth
1909/100176 Perth Hughes Kathleen F 31 UNKNOWN Herbert BROWN Perth
1909/100177 Perth Ah Ying William M 66 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100178 Perth Rahill Mary Ellen F 17 Nora MOLONEY Michael RAHILL Perth
1909/100179 Perth Williams Kenneth Fitzpatrick M 1 Lizzie Adelaide KEARMAN Arthur Fredrick WILLIAMS Perth
1909/100180 Perth Griffin Robert Joseph M 8 Margaret SCOTT Joseph GRIFFIN Perth
1909/100181 Perth Hughes William George Peisley M 35 Clarenda MASON Unknown HUGHES Perth
1909/100182 Perth McGann Peter M 40 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100183 Perth Dowling Donald Lannan M 2 months Caroline Rebecca COUSENS Thomas DOWLING Perth
1909/100184 Perth McNamara Michael Francis M 44 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100185 Perth Ford Gertrude Emily F 36 Emily HULME James Penberthy FORD North Perth
1909/100186 Perth Reid Forbes Charles James M 45 Margaret JOHNSON James REID Perth
1909/100187 Perth Abdul Charles M 30 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100188 Perth Johnston George M 10 weeks Anne Johnston ADAMS George JOHNSTON Perth
1909/100189 Perth Baty John M 60 Isabella TODD Thomas BATY Perth
1909/100190 Perth Bradley Robert Henry M 19 Julia CRONIN George Adolph BRADLEY North Perth
1909/100191 Perth Moore Charles Henry M 6 months UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100192 Perth Arnold Unnamed F Not born alive Beaute Elizabeth Jane PINNIE Percy Elliott ARNOLD North Perth
1909/100193 Perth Beere Alec Gordon M 3 months Margaret Laura WELLSTEAD George BEERE Perth
1909/100194 Perth Reid Aloque Mary Ita F 2 months Gertrude Mary Evelyn MCNAMARA William Henry Houston REID Perth
1909/100195 Perth Willcock William M 21 Selina Jane DATSON Samuel WILLCOCK Perth
1909/100196 Perth Saunders Susan Ann F 74 Ann SCATLEY Thomas PARSONS Bayswater
1909/100197 Perth McKay Unnamed M Not born alive Ada BALDWIN John Augustus MCKAY Perth
1909/100198 Perth Dyson Cyril George M 5 months Dagmar Frances LAMBLEY Septimus DYSON Perth
1909/100199 Perth Nordstrom Carl Magnus M 56 UNKNOWN Gustav NORDSTROM Perth
1909/100200 Perth Soni Andrea M 58 - Andrea SONI Perth
1909/100201 Perth Guhl Doris Rachael F 7 months Agnes Cecelia WATTS August Heinrich Fredrick Franz GUHL Perth
1909/100202 Perth Lorimer Annie F 43 Mary Ann EVANS Samuel BLOOR Perth
1909/100203 Perth McClean Patrick M 6 weeks Ethel BERMINGHAM Fredrick Stevens MCCLEAN Perth
1909/100204 Perth Moore Richard M 58 Mary Ann SMALLHORN John MOORE Bayswater
1909/100205 Perth Brandt Thomas M 56 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100206 Perth Dolahan James M 40 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100207 Perth Keating Ivy Maud F 6 months Ellen Maud KEATING - East Perth
1909/100208 Perth Heaton Mabel Mary F 27 Isabella WATSON Henry MCMURRAY Perth
1909/100209 Perth Smith Violet Mary F 3 months Isabella BALL Alfred Midgley SMITH Perth
1909/100210 Perth Poland Annie Myrtle F 3 months Mary Jane DOWNS William POLAND Perth
1909/100211 Perth Ah Ghow Wong M 29 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100212 Perth Corney Unnamed F Not born alive Eva Catherine DYNON Frederick William CORNEY West Perth
1909/100213 Perth Campbell Alice May F 2 Mary Elizabeth JENKINS Arthur Malcolm CAMPBELL Perth
1909/100214 Perth Smythe Matilda Emily F 16 months Ada Emily ALLEN William Thomas Charles Ferdinand SMYTHE Perth
1909/100215 Perth Kinsella James Martin M 49 Ann CAVANAGH Edward KINSELLA Perth
1909/100216 Perth Kimmorley Arthur Alexander M 26 Mary Ann JUDD James KIMMORLEY Perth
1909/100217 Perth Taylor Joseph M 65 Mary Ann JOHNSON George TAYLOR North Perth
1909/100218 Perth Daniels Frank M 55 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100219 Perth Terry Charles Anthony M 14 Lucindia Letitia BENNETT Charles Harrington TERRY Perth
1909/100220 Perth Beckhouse Doris Amelia F 1 Ellen KEENAN Hume Phillip BECKHOUSE Perth
1909/100221 Perth Brinkmann Martin M 82 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100222 Perth Parfett Horace M 7 months Emily BURRIDGE David Charles PARFETT Perth
1909/100223 Perth Goold Laura F 86 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100224 Perth Braidwood Unnamed F Not born alive Emily Rose NELSON Alexander William BRAIDWOOD North Perth
1909/100225 Perth Richard Louisa Maud F 9 Louisa Maud MYER Charles RICHARD Perth
1909/100226 Perth Matheson Unnamed M Not born alive Edith Agnes MCGLADE Thomas George MATHESON Perth
1909/100227 Perth Kennedy Mary St John F 67 Mary Ann PHELAN Daniel BERGEN Perth
1909/100228 Perth Allpike Amelia Elizabeth F 51 Anne UNKNOWN Thomas EVANS West Perth
1909/100229 Perth Guerin Catherine F 79 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100230 Perth Ostlund Gustaf Axel Valdemar M 49 UNKNOWN Gustaf OSTLUND West Perth
1909/100231 Perth Lipman Jeanette F 30 Minnie GOLDBERG Barnett HARRIS Perth
1909/100232 Perth Reader Margaret Ethel F 17 months Florence Emmaline ANDREW William READER Perth
1909/100233 Perth Button Arthur Charles M 10 months Agnes LEACH Arthur Charles BUTTON Perth
1909/100234 Perth Basett Benjamin M 78 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN North Perth
1909/100235 Perth Gould George Ernest M 5 Elizabeth GRIFFITHS John George GOULD Perth
1909/100236 Perth Worsnop Unnamed F Not born alive Emily PRESCOTT Percy John WORSNOP East Perth
1909/100237 Perth Brown Grace Olive F 12 months Fanny BROWN Alexander MCKEIG West Perth
1909/100238 Perth Smyth John M 40 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100239 Perth Tompkins Charlotte Louisa F 41 Sussanah COMLEY Henry TOMPKINS Perth
1909/100240 Perth Copeland Joseph Montagu M 50 Sarah TYLER John Montagu COPELAND Perth
1909/100241 Perth Henschley Unnamed M Not born alive Emma HENSCHLEY - Perth
1909/100242 Perth Johnson Julius M 4 months Isabel HOROWITZ Isaac JOHNSON Perth
1909/100243 Perth Koch Alfred Christolph Gustav Ludwig M 27 Louise Theresa SCHILLER Johann KOCH Perth
1909/100244 Perth Nelson George Alexander M 11 months Alice MCDONALL George NELSON Perth
1909/100245 Perth Baker Caroline F 44 UNKNOWN John CAMPBELL Perth
1909/100246 Perth Kemp John M 55 Ann MCANDREW Joshua KEMP Perth
1909/100247 Perth Kingston Bridget F 47 UNKNOWN Hugh O'NEILL Perth
1909/100248 Perth Toomey Daniel M 9 months Isabel MOORE Daniel TOOMEY North Perth
1909/100249 Perth Hawker Gordon Percival M 1 Ella TERRY Arthur Edward HAWKER North Perth
1909/100250 Perth Vandenbergh Doris Melinda Jane F 4 Emily Melinda GULLIVER Edmund Brader VANDENBERGH Victoria Park
1909/100251 Perth Brown George Henry M 52 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100252 Perth Poland Violet Margaret F 4 months Mary Jane DOWNS William POLAND Perth
1909/100253 Perth Genge Emily F 7 months Margaret Arnott SHAW Issac GENGE East Perth
1909/100254 Perth Bloffwitch Eileen F 8 weeks Mary Anne WOOD John William BLOFFWITCH Maylands
1909/100255 Perth Smith Unnamed M Not born alive Daisy Josephine Elgina Blanche PEMBERTON John Reed SMITH Maylands
1909/100256 Perth Abbott Florence Lillian F 2 Mary WOOD Ernest George ABBOTT Perth
1909/100257 Perth McIntosh Colin Charles M 45 Jane FERGUSON Charles MCINTOSH Perth
1909/100258 Perth Weinsberg Alexander M 9 Martha MILLER Samuel WEINSBERG Perth
1909/100259 Perth Booth Dorothy Christabelle F 5 months Evaline BARTLETT George BOOTH Perth
1909/100260 Perth Fitzpatrick Annie Imilda F 3 months Bridget Theresa WALSH John Patrick FITZPATRICK North Perth
1909/100261 Perth Fitzpatrick Emma Margaret F 3 months Bridget Theresa WALSH John Patrick FITZPATRICK North Perth
1909/100262 Perth Bartey Robert M 35 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100263 Perth Julius Charles M 65 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100264 Perth Peters Mabel F 20 Bridget UNKNOWN William JOHNSON Perth
1909/100265 Perth Smith Unnamed M Not born alive Emily Louisa Christina Annie RITTER Richard Joseph Albert SMITH South Perth
1909/100266 Perth Fitts Mildred Marion F 27 Annie JACKSON Charles FITTS Perth
1909/100267 Perth Nicholson Alma F 38 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100268 Perth O'Brien John M 50 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100269 Perth Humphrey Frederick Charles M 10 months Jessie CAVANAGH Charles Frederick HUMPHREY West Perth
1909/100270 Perth Hawker John Vincent M 69 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN East Perth
1909/100271 Perth Bentley Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel BROWN Herbert Milton BENTLEY East Perth
1909/100272 Perth Lynch Bridget Agnes F 2 Sarah MCANORA Philip LYNCH North Perth
1909/100273 Perth Burns Robert Joseph M 29 Mary Elizabeth PARSONS Robert BURNS Perth
1909/100274 Perth Street Sarah Ann Maria F 38 UNKNOWN Unknown STREET Perth
1909/100275 Perth Moss Phoebe Hazel F 8 months Sarah KING Henry Ephriam MOSS Perth
1909/100276 Perth McMullen Mary Ann F 28 UNKNOWN Charles CHAPMAN Perth
1909/100277 Perth Houlahan Charles William M 29 Martha WELLS John HOULAHAN Perth
1909/100278 Perth Hughes Unnamed F Not born alive Susan QUINN Fredrick William HUGHES Perth
1909/100279 Perth Blagden John M 56 UNKNOWN William BLAGDEN Perth
1909/100280 Perth Moss Margaret F 74 Margaret BLACK Hugh MCLAREN West Perth
1909/100281 Perth Hanlon Francis M 1 Edith BISSETT Hugh HANLON Perth
1909/100282 Perth Read John Stroud M 51 Susan STROUD John READ Perth
1909/100283 Perth Winter Unnamed M Not born alive Lilly Rebecca HILL Bertie WINTER North Perth
1909/100284 Perth Lillington John James Billett M 52 Lois BILLETT James LILLINGTON Perth
1909/100285 Perth Bartlett Myrtle Annie F 1 Susan PHILLIPS Edward BARTLETT Perth
1909/100286 Perth Watling Edward M 39 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100287 Perth Brandt Charles M 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100288 Perth Gardner John M 72 Unknown LAWSON John GARDNER Perth
1909/100289 Perth Birch Anne F 78 Phoebe BARRATT Frederick HYMUS Perth
1909/100290 Perth Maddocks Ivy May Gliddon F 5 months Hannah Jane SMITH - Perth
1909/100291 Perth Cleverly Henry M 53 UNKNOWN George CLEVERLY Perth
1909/100292 Perth Porter Norman M 1 month Ruth PORTER - Perth
1909/100293 Perth Jarvis William M 48 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100294 Perth Bayliss Owen Francis M 1 day Susan Jane SIMMONS George BAYLISS Perth
1909/100295 Perth Langsford Thomas M 4 months Nellie LANGSFORD - Perth
1909/100296 Perth McKay Florence Amelia F 39 Jane LITTLE Thomas WARD Perth
1909/100297 Perth Bordas Unnamed F Not born alive Charlotte HOOTON Joseph BORDAS East Perth
1909/100298 Perth Miles Marjorie F 6 months Emery PEMBER James MILES Maylands
1909/100299 Perth Stacey Herbert Leslie Altoft M 7 months Maud TAYLOR William Henry STACEY Perth
1909/100300 Perth Wells Unnamed M Not born alive Dorothy Elizabeth WELLS - Maylands
1909/100301 Perth Renfree Unnamed M 1 day Isabel WEBSTER Harry RENFREE Perth
1909/100302 Perth Turner James M 48 HANNAH UNKNOWN North Perth
1909/100303 Perth Fryer Leslie John M 17 months Mabel Josephine WEIR Andrew FRYER Perth
1909/100304 Perth Parker Dorothy May F 3 weeks May VIGOE John PARKER Perth
1909/100305 Perth Roberts Mary Adelaide F 53 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100306 Perth Vivian-Williams John Henry Noel M 8 months Alice Marion HURMAN John VIVIAN-WILLIAMS Highgate Hill
1909/100307 Perth George Hannah F 67 UNKNOWN John BAILEY Maylands
1909/100308 Perth Aplin Sarah F 65 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN North Perth
1909/100309 Perth Morgan Veronica Johanne F 12 months Gertrude Elvena MICKARDS Evin James MORGAN Perth
1909/100310 Perth Woodcock Mary Jane F 35 - Unknown RYAN Perth
1909/100311 Perth Ryan Norman Joseph M 15 months Catherine O'SULLIVAN Edward James RYAN West Perth
1909/100312 Perth Bourke Mavis F 3 weeks Margaret BOURKE - East Perth
1909/100313 Perth Woodcock George M 86 Jane PATON Thomas WOODCOCK Perth
1909/100314 Perth Greaney Unnamed M Not born alive Bridget GREANEY - Perth
1909/100315 Perth Greaney Bridget F 32 Mary GRIFFIN Patrick GREANEY Perth
1909/100316 Perth Virgin Maria F 53 UNKNOWN Unknown PAIN East Perth
1909/100317 Perth Taylor Elizabeth Jane F 30 Elizabeth UNKNOWN William WATTS Perth
1909/100318 Perth Morey William John M 72 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100319 Perth Meckelburg Albert Augustus M 54 UNKNOWN Albert MECKELBURG Perth
1909/100320 Perth Dyer Unnamed M Not born alive Ada Allison SMITH Henry Clulow Stanley DYER South Perth
1909/100321 Perth Shillinglaw Muriel Olive F 6 months UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100322 Perth Ross Maurice M 22 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100323 Perth Carter Benjamin M 47 Mary UNKNOWN George CARTER Perth
1909/100324 Perth Balloch Beryl Irene F 7 months Ethel May BALLOCH - West Perth
1909/100325 Perth Thom Bobbie F 32 Elizabeth Ellen LUCAS John TIPPING Perth
1909/100326 Perth Murphy John William M 84 Mary UNKNOWN John MURPHY East Perth
1909/100327 Perth Devenish Adelaide Stella F 14 months Bertha Hamsley HOLMAN Herbert Alfred DEVENISH Perth
1909/100328 Perth McNamara Georgina F 39 Catherine SADLER Charles DAVIS Maylands
1909/100329 Perth Simmonds Dorothy Clara Western F 2 Maud Louise SHOLL Sydney John Western SIMMONDS Perth
1909/100330 Perth Jackson William M 3 months Matilda NEWMAN William John JACKSON Perth
1909/100331 Perth Watts Hilda F 22 Mary UNKNOWN Joseph PICKERING Perth
1909/100332 Perth Seery Ellen F 63 Mary UNKNOWN John SHAW West Perth
1909/100333 Perth Stronach Jackie M 1 Emily Rose ECHANN John STRONACH North Perth
1909/100334 Perth Dodds Mary F 52 UNKNOWN John STEPHENSON Perth
1909/100335 Perth Hogan Jack M 12 months Ethel WILMOTT Patrick Joseph HOGAN Perth
1909/100336 Perth O'Sullivan William M 37 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100337 Perth Bayliss Susan F 40 Elizabeth Mary LEE Joseph Henry SIMMONDS Perth
1909/100338 Perth Leeder Edith F 8 weeks Irene LEEDER - Perth
1909/100339 Perth Dixon Florence Louisa F 6 months Mary Jane PURVIS Edward John DIXON Perth
1909/100340 Perth Herman Unnamed F Not born alive Annie FLEGELTAUB Samuel HERMAN Perth
1909/100341 Perth Miller Neil M 19 Flora MCARTHUR James MILLER Perth
1909/100342 Perth Ho Lee M 55 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100343 Perth Gibson Joseph Collin M 6 months Elizabeth Maria WILTON James GIBSON Perth
1909/100344 Perth Vine James M 68 Mary VINCENT John VINE Perth
1909/100345 Perth Livingston Alice F 43 UNKNOWN Michael GILLICK North Perth
1909/100346 Perth Benson Mary Ann Sarah F 45 Ann UNKNOWN Bernard MCCAFFEY Victoria Park
1909/100347 Perth Lynch Agnes F 22 Bridget COLLINS Patrick LYNCH Perth
1909/100348 Perth Thomson Sylvia F 12 months Clara JONES Walter THOMSON Perth
1909/100349 Perth Allen Hilda Pearl F 6 months Margaret Ann HEANEY William Leslie ALLEN Perth
1909/100350 Perth Hewitt William Henry M 66 Mary LEWIS William Henry HEWITT Victoria Park
1909/100351 Perth Lawrence Edith Alma F 1 Louisa MCPHERSON Edward Ernest LAWRENCE Perth
1909/100352 Perth Berglund Alfred Peter M 35 UNKNOWN Alexander BERGLUND Perth
1909/100353 Perth Bransby Frederick Percy M 4 Ellen CAUDLE Edward BRANSBY Perth
1909/100354 Perth Casson Edgar Harold Jeffries M 34 Matilda JEFFRIES John CASSON Perth
1909/100355 Perth Ellard Henry Thomas M 56 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100356 Perth Warr Phoebe F 77 UNKNOWN NICHOLLS Perth
1909/100357 Perth McColl Percy George M 42 UNKNOWN John Henry MCCOLL Perth
1909/100358 Perth Roberts George M 61 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100359 Perth King Richard M 80 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100360 Perth George James Arthur M 8 months Annie Victoria LEUCHAN William Henry GEORGE Perth
1909/100361 Perth Collett Johnny M 30 - - Perth
1909/100362 Perth Marshall John M 17 days Amy MARSHALL - Perth
1909/100363 Perth Beaton William M 6 days Sarah Ann Maud MCLEAN William BEATON East Perth
1909/100364 Perth Cogan Charles M 51 - - Perth
1909/100365 Perth Cameron Maggie F Not born alive Elizabeth MILLER Simon William CAMERON Perth
1909/100366 Perth Cartwright Bella F 25 - David DALRYMPLE Perth
1909/100367 Perth Banks Arthur John Brand M 35 UNKNOWN Unknown BANKS Perth
1909/100368 Perth Standing Unnamed M 12 hours Christina WOODS John STANDING Perth
1909/100369 Perth Hodgkinson Eliza Ann F 24 Eliza Ann NEIL Silas BROOKS Perth
1909/100370 Perth Gordon Eric St John M 5 Elsie Maud WHITFIELD Arthur Treacey Merrifield GORDON Perth
1909/100371 Perth Shearer Margaret Fisher F 72 UNKNOWN Unknown BALLANTYNE Perth
1909/100372 Perth O'Connell Mary F 71 Eliza UNKNOWN Lawrence MOONEY Perth
1909/100373 Perth Branson Unnamed F 1 day Emma Jane GALTON James BRANSON North Perth
1909/100374 Perth Nolan Noel St Joseph M 6 weeks Mary UNKNOWN Daniel Joseph NOLAN Perth
1909/100375 Perth Kileen Jeremiah M 45 Ellen CUICK Jeremiah KILEEN Perth
1909/100376 Perth Fyfe Rachael Ann F 37 UNKNOWN Young RILEY Perth
1909/100377 Perth Richardson Olive Irene F 10 weeks Elizabeth Mary PALMER Hector Alexander RICHARDSON Perth
1909/100378 Perth Collins James M 47 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100379 Perth Stemp Alice F 32 Eliza LYONS Harry TASKER Perth
1909/100380 Perth Denning Phillip Joseph M 37 Annie TAYLOR Joseph DENNING Perth
1909/100381 Perth Strachan Constantine M 58 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100382 Perth Key William Alfred M 57 Hannah FIELD Richard KEY North Perth
1909/100383 Perth Roberts Jacob M 5 months Minnie FLANAGAN James Trezise ROBERTS East Perth
1909/100384 Perth Wills Emiline F 62 UNKNOWN John PASSMORE Perth
1909/100385 Perth Porter Hannah F 51 Jane MCKAY Gavin SHAW Perth
1909/100386 Perth Johnstone George M 67 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100387 Perth Davis Edith May F 2 Caroline Fredericka GEIGER John Roy DAVIS Perth
1909/100388 Perth Reid Dorothea Mary Agnes F 4 months Gertrude Mary Carolyn MACNAMARRA William Henry Houston REID North Perth
1909/100389 Perth Shanks James M 76 Ann Catherine DALY Samuel SHANKS North Perth
1909/100390 Perth Henderson William Arthur M 50 UNKNOWN William HENDERSON Perth
1909/100391 Perth Roper Alfred Leslie M 13 months Alice HOLMES William ROPER Perth
1909/100392 Perth Gracie Gwendoline F 3 days Sarah REID Ronald George Keith GRACIE Victoria Park
1909/100393 Perth Toolin Thomas M 71 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100394 Perth Mathrews John Harland M 50 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100395 Perth Cawdill John Stewart M 8 months J CAWDILL - Perth
1909/100396 Perth Hore Unnamed M Not born alive Hannah Louisa HOFFMAN Stanley Rufus HORE Perth
1909/100397 Perth Clarke May Valentine F 5 Kate Alice MALTY William Henry CLARKE Perth
1909/100398 Perth Le Maistre Roma Maude F 2 Maude Marian CUGLEY William John LE MAISTRE Perth
1909/100399 Perth Wade Veronica Mary F 3 months Alice May RYAN Fredrick Wentworth WADE Perth
1909/100400 Perth Stutchbury Ephriam M 76 Martha UNKNOWN Samuel STUTCHBURY Maylands
1909/100401 Perth Jenkin Clarence Roy M 2 Edith Mary MCCOURT John Clarence JENKIN Perth
1909/100402 Perth Challinor William M 52 UNKNOWN James CHALLINOR Perth
1909/100403 Perth O'Connor Lucy Kate F 38 Bridget Maria HOLLAND Michael James O'CONNOR Perth
1909/100404 Perth Byrne Margaret Ann F 44 UNKNOWN David CAMPBELL Bayswater
1909/100405 Perth McKay Valmai Florence F 2 Florence Amelia WARD George MCKAY Perth
1909/100406 Perth Cocking Mary Louisa F 39 Selina SKINNER Samuel JURY Perth
1909/100407 Perth Underwood William M 71 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1909/100408 Perth McColl Unnamed F Not born alive Margaret MCCOLL - Perth
1909/100409 Perth Moynahan Andrew M 43 Mary FITZGERALD Timothy MOYNAHAN Perth
1909/100410 Perth Sutton Leonard William M 26 Agnes FOOTE Dennis SUTTON Mt Lawley
1909/100411 Perth Swiney Elizabeth F 69 UNKNOWN Richard RUSSELL Perth
1909/100412 Perth Moncrieff Thomas M 47 Mary MURPHY John MONCRIEFF Perth
1909/100413 Perth Butters John M 73 UNKNOWN Unknown BUTTERS Perth
1909/100414 Perth Magill William Henry M 72 UNKNOWN Henry MAGILL Maylands
1909/100415 Perth Barrett Walter M 22 Annie RUSSELL Francis BARRETT Perth
1909/100416 Perth Hendy Unnamed M 3 days Cecelia READPATH Walter HENDY Perth
1909/100417 Perth Davies William Victor Claude M 7 months Emily UNKNOWN Samuel DAVIES Maylands
1909/100418 Perth O'Keefe Henry M 11 Johanna O'GRADY Thomas O'KEEFE West Perth
1909/100419 Perth Hosey Margaret Elizabeth F 4 Annie NOLAN Timothy HOSEY Perth
1909/100420 Perth Wallis Matthew Edward M 79 - - Perth
1909/100421 Perth Brown John Theodore M 77 - - Perth
1909/100422 Perth Fulton Hugh M 38 Catherine MCLAREN Hugh FULTON Perth
1909/100423 Perth Hodgkinson Ernest Cecil M 4 weeks Eliza Ann BROOKS Albert Ernest HODGKINSON Perth
1909/100424 Perth Considine Mary Ellen F 35 - - Maylands
1909/100425 Perth White Frank M 85 - - Perth
1909/100426 Perth Weiss Stanley Godfrey M 2 Frances Christina GEYER Francis Gustave WEISS East Perth
1909/100427 Perth Cressall Fanny F 60 Fanny UNKNOWN George COOPER Perth
1909/100428 Perth Shannon Ellen F 74 - - East Perth
1909/100429 Perth Dempsey James Alfred M 21 May Ann DOWDY Charles DEMPSEY Perth
1909/100430 Perth Hooper Richard M 63 - - Perth
1909/100431 Perth Davies Sarah F 73 Sarah COOPER Henry CRICK Perth
1909/100432 Perth Collins Pauline Clara F 35 Jessie Sarah NEANSE Gustav William HILLBRICK North Perth
1909/100433 Perth East Carl Lee M 3 Ida May COBBEIGH David Chester EAST Perth
1909/100434 Perth Wilberforce Lillian Clare F 3 weeks May Barr SAVAGE Arthur Robert Stanley WILBERFORCE Perth
1909/100435 Perth Fitzgerald Unnamed M Not born alive Mary Annie MCDONALD Richard FITZGERALD South Perth
1909/100436 Perth Jacobs Mary F 16 - - Perth
1909/100437 Perth Hughes Oswald Kenneth M 4 months Kathleen BROWN Robert HUGHES West Perth
1909/100438 Perth Lewis John Rowley M 44 Ellen Mary VILE John LEWIS Perth
1909/100439 Perth Bennett James Kerr M 49 Agnes KERR James BENNETT Perth
1909/100440 Perth Copley James M 49 Elizabeth REDFERN James COPLEY Perth
1909/100441 Perth Elkin Maria Elizabeth F 65 - - Perth
1909/100442 Perth McCafferty James M 69 Julia GIBBONS Patrick MCCAFFERTY Perth
1909/100443 Perth Grayson George William M 48 Lucy UNKNOWN John GRAYSON Perth
1909/100444 Perth Dunne Unnamed M Not born alive Susannah BROWN Nicholas DUNNE Perth
1909/100445 Perth Bennett Sarah Maria F 75 Marianne UNKNOWN Henry WATSON West Perth
1909/100446 Perth Snook William M 83 - James SNOOK Perth
1909/100447 Perth Murtha James M 75 Margaret UNKNOWN - Perth
1909/100448 Perth Warren Alfred George M 37 Maria WILSON Peter WARREN Perth
1909/100449 Perth Haynes Sophia F 45 Eliza UNKNOWN Charles BETTS North Perth
1909/100450 Perth Morley George Michael M 47 - - West Perth
1909/100451 Perth Butler Robert Alwyn M 2 days Alice Janet MATHESON Claude Elijah BUTLER Victoria Park
1909/100452 Perth Gibbs Margaret F 66 Sarah CAMPBELL Bernard DUFFY Perth
1909/100453 Perth Caster Sarah Ellen F 42 Elizabeth BARWICK John WARD Perth
1909/100454 Perth Pearce Unnamed F Not born alive Elsie Ruth WALKDEN Harry James William PEARCE East Perth
1909/100455 Perth Donaldson Mary Amelia F 42 - John HOWARD Perth
1909/100456 Perth Campbell Louisa F 40 - Joseph DAINTY West Perth
1909/100457 Perth Jeffery Norman Harry M 6 months Gertrude JEFFERY - Perth
1909/100458 Perth Lakeman Samuel M 75 - Thomas LAKEMAN Perth
1909/100459 Perth Timperley William Henry M 76 Elizabeth BRADNEY Thomas Postle TIMPERLEY South Perth
1909/100460 Perth Bull Fredrick M 43 Maria Eliza NORRIS Fredrick BULL Perth
1909/100461 Perth Jones Frederick Arthur M 48 - - East-Perth
1909/100462 Perth McDonald Alexander M 45 - - Perth
1909/100463 Perth Sullivan Leslie George Lincoln M 14 Catherine HART George William SULLIVAN Perth
1909/100464 Perth Thompson Unnamed M Not born alive Clara HARDY William THOMPSON Perth
1909/100465 Perth Robertson Alexander Donald M 6 days Mary Ann MCLEOD Keith Riddell ROBERTSON Perth
1909/100466 Perth Betteridge Henry M 86 Sarah FOX Stephen BETTERIDGE Perth
1909/100467 Perth Plackett Caroline F 57 - William JAMES Perth
1909/100468 Perth Laughton Edward Henry M 6 months Betsy ALTOFT Henry LAUGHTON East Perth
1909/100469 Perth Kelly Unnamed F Not born alive Leonora Annie GEORGE Frederick Louis KELLY Maylands
1909/100470 Perth Stubbs William M 44 Eliza Ellen LE STRANGE William STUBBS Perth
1909/100471 Perth Biedermann Wilhelmina Dorathea Johanna F 73 - Unknown PETERSON Victoria Park
1909/100472 Perth Guy Soffea Elizabeth F 39 - Unknown ALZANO Perth
1909/100473 Perth McKay Joseph Neil M 41 - James MCKAY Perth
1909/100474 Perth Neil Unnamed F Not born alive Anna Elizabeth HUBER Henry Hamilton NEIL North Perth
1909/100475 Perth Snell Dorothy Rankin F 7 Florence Elizabeth JENKINSON John SNELL Perth
1909/100476 Perth O'Donohue Ada F 42 Jane BELL Thomas CUMMINGS Perth
1909/100477 Perth Smith Annie F 8 Margaret Ellen LENEY George Augustus SMITH Perth
1909/100478 Perth Lamb George M 35 - - Perth
1909/100479 Perth Sheridan Grace Mary F 7 months Bridget SHERIDAN - East Perth
1909/100480 Perth Lee William Henry M 38 - - Perth
1909/100481 Perth Kellett Michael M 45 - - Perth
1909/100482 Perth Mullane Unnamed F Not born alive Emily MULLANE - Perth
1909/100483 Perth Lenane Joseph M 36 - - Perth
1909/100484 Perth Stewart Violet Myrtle F 9 Frances HAMMER Alexander Frayer STEWART East Perth
1909/100485 Perth Mahoney Susan F 46 Marion UNKNOWN Unknown HOFFTLING Perth
1909/100486 Perth Collier William Henry M 70 Sarah RUSSELL William COLLIER Perth
1909/100487 Perth Branch Henry M 76 - - Victoria Park
1909/100488 Perth Braid Edna Elizabeth F 17 months Janet Helen BRYDEN Colin BRAID North Perth
1909/100489 Perth Billson Alexander Noel M 33 - - Perth
1909/100490 Perth Lewis Edward M 34 - - Perth
1909/100491 Perth Blencowe Ida Simkins F 30 Mary Susan LUBY David DAVIES Highgate Hill
1909/100492 Perth Maher Patrick M 64 - - Perth
1909/100493 Perth Masters Samuel Olver M 66 Jane OLVER Samuel MASTERS Maylands
1909/100494 Perth Mason Jean Denma F 14 months Lena Louise Blanche BUTLER Arthur Gregory MASON Victoria Park
1909/100495 Perth Hunter Samuel M 17 days Ida Lillian SMITH James HUNTER Perth
1909/100496 Perth Johnston Edeline Gertrude F 11 weeks Bridget Catherine CLUNE Charles Walter JOHNSTON Perth
1909/100497 Perth Sevewright Lillias F 74 Lillias RUSSELL William AULD West Perth
1909/100498 Perth Delany Agnes Agatha F 47 Ann UNKNOWN Michael Angelo DELANY East Perth
1909/100499 Perth Reilly Unnamed M Not born alive Annie O'MARRA Patrick REILLY Perth
1909/100500 Perth Dyer Annie F 50 Isabella WRIGHT James SPEED Perth
1909/100501 Perth Falkner Emily Mary F 14 Esther Elizabeth HUBBLE William FALKNER Victoria Park
1909/100502 Perth Cass Catherine F 15 hours Catherine Edith KELLICK Berry CASS Perth
1909/100503 Perth Box Unnamed M Not born alive Ivy BOX - Perth
1909/100504 Perth Runnalls Unnamed M Not born alive Winifred RUNNALLS - Maylands
1909/100505 Perth McKeig Unnamed M Not born alive Elsie Jane MONDAY William Henry MCKEIG West Perth
1909/100506 Perth Ah Ton - M 24 - Sue GINN Perth
1909/100507 Perth Jaeger Luciene M 40 - - Perth
1909/100508 Perth Brown Louis George Benjamin M 37 Annie Martha OSMAN Benjamin Haynes BROWN Perth
1909/100509 Perth Feakes John Reginald M 9 weeks Cecelia PRIEST Fredrick George FEAKS Perth
1909/100510 Perth Hooper Rose F 5 Elizabeth O'NEIL Richard Henry HOOPER Perth
1909/100511 Perth Allday Henry M 56 Mary UNKNOWN Thomas ALLDAY Perth
1909/100512 Perth Mead Silas M 75 Honor UTTERMARE Thomas MEAD Perth
1909/100513 Perth Gilhooley Florence F 43 Bella DOUGLAS James ILLMAN Maylands
1909/100514 Perth Pearson Annie Eliza F 57 Matilda UNKNOWN William Henry WRIGHT Perth
1909/100515 Perth Fabre Ella May Josephine F 2 Nellie TOURNAY Joseph Jean Jules FABRE Perth
1909/100516 Perth Stonham Unnamed M Not born alive Ellen Eyre penn SYMONS Louis STONHAM Perth
1909/100517 Perth Lovatt James M 50 - - Perth
1909/100518 Perth Thomas Albert George M 30 Emily Jane OTTAWAY Frederick THOMAS Perth
1909/100519 Perth Hardy Unnamed F Not born alive Hilda Mary DOUGLAS Austin HARDY Perth
1909/100520 Perth Westhoven Unnamed M Not born alive Kate NIHILL Arthur Philip WESTHOVEN Perth
1909/100521 Perth Cook Emily Esther F 47 Sarah Ann CASTREE George Robert HILL Perth
1909/100522 Perth Morrison William Henry M 10 days Hilda Ruby BRAIN Frederick William MORRISON Perth
1909/100523 Perth Gibbs Unnamed F Not born alive Eva Grace FINCH Frederick Charles GIBBS Perth
1909/100524 Perth Smith Arthur Henry M 73 - John SMITH Perth
1909/100525 Perth Stamp Ann F 77 Elizabeth WHELAN Joseph WAFER Perth
1909/100526 Perth Duckett Unnamed M 10 minutes Maria EYLES Ernest DUCKETT Perth
1909/100527 Perth Thorne Sarah F 47 Alicia MATTHEWS William WILLIAMS Perth
1909/100528 Perth Balding Mary Jane F 65 Maria SMITH John ADAMS Perth
1909/100529 Perth Clarke Unnamed F Not born alive Florence Julia Annie HALL William Henry John CLARKE Perth
1909/100530 Perth Richards Unnamed M Not born alive Agnes JONES John Charles RICHARDS Maylands
1909/100531 Perth McAllister John M 50 - - Perth
1909/100532 Perth Allen Gladys Irene F 1 Jane BRIDGER Arthur Alfred ALLEN Perth
1909/100533 Perth Hicks Elizabeth Susannah F 82 Hannah FRENCH William LEEDER Perth
1909/100534 Perth Peters Alexander M 53 - - South Perth
1909/100535 Perth Goland David M 29 Elizabeth Burns HILL Martin GOLAND Near Crawley
1909/100536 Perth Waldon Hannah Maria F 58 Hannah Maria INCH Joseph ELLERY Perth
1909/100537 Perth Shenton Ernest Chawner M 47 Annie Catherine COUSINS George SHENTON Perth
1909/100538 Perth O'Connor Harriett Klara F 24 Martha REYNOLDS Laurine HENNETT Perth
1909/100539 Perth Young Jesse M 57 - - West Perth
1909/100540 Perth Moylan Ethel May F 24 Harriett STOKES John CLARK West Perth
1909/100541 Perth Stone John Frederick M 69 Charlotte Maria WHITFIELD George Frederick STONE Perth
1909/100542 Perth Newman Unnamed M Not born alive Annie MACK George NEWMAN Perth
1909/100543 Perth Gray Francis M 51 Ellen HAYES William GRAY Perth
1909/100544 Perth Fletcher George M 73 - George FLETCHER South Perth
1909/100545 Perth Morgan Esther Maud F 3 months Sarah MORGAN James Hobby MORGAN Perth
1909/100546 Perth Day Harry M 1 day Ellen OLDHAM Ferdinand DAY Perth
1909/100547 Perth Paisley James M 80 - Unknown PAISLEY Perth
1909/100548 Perth Coall Marian F 4 days Winnifred Charlotte NEWCOMBE Henry COALL Perth
1909/100549 Perth Burgoyne Alice Maud F 45 - Unknown BURGOYNE Perth
1909/100550 Perth Moore Muriel Evelyn F 13 Mary Agnes MCKENNA William John Anthony MOORE Perth
1909/100551 Perth Harvey Bessie Myra F 14 Adeline BUTSON James Henry HARVEY Victoria Park
1909/100552 Perth Thomas Unnamed M Not born alive Ethel Mary THOMAS - Perth
1909/100553 Perth Milne Margaret Ann F 52 - Richard MILLS Perth
1909/100554 Perth Fuller Mary Jane F 80 - - Perth
1909/100555 Perth Crowe Unnamed M 4 hours Elsie Hilda SMITH Thomas Patrick CROWE Perth
1909/100556 Perth Ridge Ellen Lucy F 28 Mary Jane RILEY Charles RIDGE Perth
1909/100557 Perth Mills John M 15 May CAMERON John MILLS Perth
1909/100558 Perth Jones Ada F 7 months Gertrude MCINTYRE Henry JONES Perth
1909/100559 Perth Tyrie James M 55 - James TYRIE Perth
1909/100560 Perth Epstein Unnamed F Not born alive Elsie Mabel WHITLOCK Herbert EPSTEIN Perth
1909/100561 Perth Benjamin Muriel Dorothy F 5 Caroline MAHER Harry BENJAMIN West Perth
1909/100562 Perth Abbott Unnamed M Not born alive Zoe SOLLY William ABBOTT Perth
1909/100563 Perth Williams Elizabeth F 33 Elizabeth Ann BUSH George WILLIAMS Perth
1909/100564 Perth Angwin Gladys Evelyn F 13 months Florence Sabina LEWIS Richard ANGWIN Perth
1909/100565 Perth Stephens Mary F 44 Ellen O'BRIEN Patrick CONNELLY Perth
1909/100566 Perth Howard James M 69 Sarah PIERMAN Charles HOWARD Victoria Park
1909/100567 Perth Johnson Johann M 72 - - Perth
1909/100568 Perth Cameron John Archibald M 45 Mary TURNER John CAMERON Perth
1909/100569 Perth O'Leary John M 80 - - Perth
1909/100570 Perth Hampson Catherine F 56 - - Perth
1909/100571 Perth Cherry Alfred Leslie Logan M 23 Jessie UNKNOWN Alfred CHERRY Perth
1909/100572 Perth Smith Unnamed M Not born alive Mary MORRISSEY Richard SMITH West Perth
1909/100573 Perth Evans Thomas M 69 Janet HOPKINS Henry EVANS Perth
1909/100574 Perth Onn Unnamed M Not born alive Annie ONN - Perth
1909/100575 Perth Rose Louisa Patience F 39 Elizabeth Eliza TEEDE Robert Henry ROSE Perth
1909/100576 Perth Luke Ellen F 23 Louisa LOWNDS Joseph LUKE Perth
1909/100577 Perth Parry Mary Susannah F 58 Rose Eileen GLIDDON George Walpole LEAKE Perth
1909/100578 Perth Morcom Richard M 40 Mary UNKNOWN William MORCOM West Perth
1909/100579 Perth Perara Francis Henry M 13 Betsy Ann SMITH Joseph PERARA Perth
1909/100580 Perth Medlin Ruby F 3 days Ruby MEDLIN - Perth
1909/100581 Perth Gannon James Peter M 35 Bridget Maria CARROLL James Peter GANNON Perth
1909/100582 Perth Clifton William Charles Nightingale M 55 Selina UNKNOWN - Perth
1909/100583 Perth Budd Maud F 5 hours Marion MCLEOD Herbert William BUDD Perth
1909/100584 Perth Walker Isabella McBain F 65 - - Perth
1909/100585 Perth McKenzie Mary Agnes F 73 Eliza MCEWAN John MCKENZIE Perth
1909/100586 Perth Lovegrove Eli M 48 - - Perth
1909/100587 Perth Hodgkinson Kate Robertson F 72 Kate DAWSON James ROBINSON South Perth
1909/100588 Perth Lizars Helen Emma F 32 Harriett JAMES David John LIZARS Perth
1909/100589 Perth Saunders Samuel M 42 Mary Ann AYERS Charles Joseph SAUNDERS East Perth
1909/100590 Perth Moloney Thomas Joseph M 1 Mary Matilda CARR Michael Joseph MOLONEY Perth
1909/100591 Perth Hood Eliza Jane F 54 Elizabeth Jane CLARK William PITMAN West Perth
1909/100592 Perth Abernethy Emma Jane F 71 Emma Sophia LIDDON John ANTHONY Perth
1909/100593 Perth Morrison Margaret F 74 - - Maylands
1909/100594 Perth Dee Bon M 44 - - Perth
1909/100595 Perth Hawker Douglas Leslie M 11 days Etta Ann FERRY Arthur Edward HAWKER North Perth
1909/100596 Perth Armstrong Henry Charles M 54 Katherine MONTGOMERY William ARMSTRONG Perth
1909/100597 Perth Cousins Harriet F 78 Hannah UNKNOWN Robert BISHOP Perth
1909/100598 Perth Campbell Unnamed M Not born alive Sarah Ellen CAMPBELL James CAMPBELL Perth
1909/100599 Perth Terry Maurice Joseph M 40 Johannah DUGGAN Patrick TERRY Perth
1909/100600 Perth Cole Thomas Christopher M 34 Edith KENNEDY Samuel COLE Perth
1909/100601 Perth Gregory Emma Gertrude F 57 Louisa MORRIS James BARTON Bayswater
1909/100602 Perth Hobbs Thomas Stokes M 42 - - Perth
1909/100603 Perth Bloffwitch Melba F 8 months Mary Anne WOOD John William BLOFFWITCH Maylands
1909/100604 Perth McAfee Unnamed F Not born alive Elizabeth Forrester Hunter HENDERSON Daniel William MCAFEE North Perth
1909/100605 Perth Hamilton Christina F 81 - Daniel MUNROE Perth
1909/100606 Perth McIntyre Margaret Sinclair F 1 week Elizabeth SINCLAIR George MCINTYRE Perth
1909/100607 Perth Watts Samuel M 43 - - Perth
1909/100608 Perth Cuiss Adolphus John M 44 Catherine WALSH Andrew CUISS Perth
1909/100609 Perth Gardner Phylis Thyna F 24 days Thyna PRESNELL Hugh Charles GARDNER East Perth
1909/100610 Perth Thomas Marie Joan F 10 months Ellen Jane Minerva WEBB David Howell THOMAS Perth
1909/100611 Perth Lukies Kenneth Richard M 8 months Jane MUDFORD William Richard Saggers LUKIES West Perth
1909/100612 Perth Whyte Frederick Nixon M 33 Mary HENSON Edward WHYTE Perth
1909/100613 Perth Payne Mary Alice Selina F 44 Bessie CRAWFORD Joseph KING Perth
1909/100614 Perth Carley Jessie Ivy F 5 months Alma Elizabeth Perkins HORNE William Charles CARLEY Highgate Hill
1909/100615 Perth Mark Ivy Frances F 9 weeks Elizabeth MARK - West Perth
1909/100616 Perth Wilson Leonard Leslie M 19 Cordelia BIGGS Leonard Clark WILSON Perth
1909/100617 Perth Groves Sarah Hannah F 40 - Unknown GROVES Perth
1909/100618 Perth Scates Arthur M 42 - Charles SCATES Perth
1909/100619 Perth Leheny Unnamed M 30 minutes Rosa DYSON James LEHENY Maylands
1909/100620 Perth McLean George M 54 - - Perth
1909/100621 Perth Makin Ellen F 62 Catherine TAYLOR Edward LYONS Perth
1909/100622 Perth Walker Agnes F 72 Mary MILLER James FLEMING Victoria Park
1909/100623 Perth Brown Teresa F 43 Mary BREEN James MOORE North Perth
1909/100624 Perth Rowe Emma Jane F 44 Harriet FROST Henry DELANEY Perth
1909/100625 Perth Saddington James M 39 - - Perth
1909/100626 Perth Thomson Walter Hope M 1 day Catherine WILLIAMS Walter THOMSON Perth
1909/100627 Perth Alexander William Henry Miller M 27 Jane HARDING William ALEXANDER Perth
1909/100628 Perth Kee We See M 52 - - Perth
1909/100629 Perth McKenna Mary F 38 Minnie CUMMINGS John HUNT Perth
1909/100630 Perth Lake Robert John M 21 Rose Alice SLOCOMBE Nicholas William LAKE Perth
1909/100631 Perth Berryman Holly Elaine F 3 months Mary Elizabeth DINGLE Arthur Charles BERRYMAN North Perth
1909/100632 Perth Lewis Alfred M 71 - - Perth
1909/100633 Perth Sholl Robert Frederick M 61 Mary Ann BERKELMAN Robert John SHOLL Perth
1909/100634 Perth McClure Mary F 47 Mary MCMULLEN Robert MCCLINTOCK Perth
1909/100635 Perth Nielsen Elizabeth Jane F 51 Mary BERRIMAN Richard Nicholas ROWE Perth
1909/100636 Perth Watts Eric Victor M 9 months Jessie May MYERS James Skelton WATTS North Perth
1909/100637 Perth Bell William M 65 - - Perth
1909/100638 Perth Loaring Unnamed M Not born alive Janet MITCHELL Archibald Owen LOARING Perth
1909/100639 Perth Smith Frank Charles M 9 weeks Ethel Alice COOPER John Charles SMITH North Perth
1909/100640 Perth Yates Pauline F 34 - - Perth
1909/100641 Perth Innes John Charles M 25 Rose Mary GRAY George INNES Perth
1909/100642 Perth Devine John Joseph M 36 Mary O'CONNELL John DEVINE Perth
1909/100643 Perth Cockerell Johanna F 41 Mary UNKNOWN John HAMILTON West Perth
1909/100644 Perth Devereux John M 34 Margaret CAHILL James DEVEREUX Perth
1909/100645 Perth Humphreys Thomas M 73 - Unknown HUMPHREYS Bayswater
1909/100646 Perth Fisher John M 49 - - Perth
1909/100647 Perth Thomson Sadie Joice F 1 week Catherine WILLIAMS Walter THOMSON Perth
1909/100648 Perth Cole William Francis M 7 months Eunice Bertha COLE - Perth
1909/100649 Perth McCornish Edward Joseph M 49 Ann Mary HACKETT Edward MCCORNISH East Perth
1909/100650 Perth Browning Hugh Taylor M 71 Rose TAYLOR James BROWNING Perth
1909/100651 Perth Ah Chung - M 46 - - Perth
1909/100652 Perth Greene Victor Stanley M 11 Sarah Jane DONNELLY Joseph Austin GREENE Perth
1909/100653 Perth Smith Leonard James Edward M 3 months May Maud Theresa GALLOWAY James SMITH Perth
1909/100654 Perth Boyd Unnamed M Not born alive Elizabeth BOYD - Bayswater
1909/100655 Perth Walsh Susannah F 28 Margaret O'CALLAGHAN Thomas WALSH Maylands
1909/100656 Perth Quartermaine Leon Bessel M 17 months Eulalie May QUARTERMAINE - Victoria Park
1909/100657 Perth Hansler Unnamed M Not born alive Amanda HANSLER - West Perth
1909/100658 Perth Jacobs Edith F 49 Amelia MONK Reuben BOYL Perth
1909/100659 Perth Clemow William Henry M 55 Sarah BRADFORD William CLEMOW Perth
1909/100660 Perth Bailey Unnamed M Not born alive Grace Nicholson GREER George William BAILEY Victoria Park
1909/100661 Perth Whitfield Gretchen Dere F 5 months Eileen Harriet WHITFIELD - Perth
1909/100662 Perth Holland Janie F 32 Mary MOLONEY David Alexander HOLLAND Perth
1909/100663 Perth Jennings Unnamed F Not born alive Amelia LIDDELOW William JENNINGS Highgate Hill
1909/100664 Perth Braidwood James M 83 Jane DREW John BRAIDWOOD Perth
1909/100665 Perth McCarthy Annie F 69 - - Perth
1909/100666 Perth Roberts Emily Brisbane F 24 - William REDGRAVE Perth
1909/100667 Perth Stoneham Unnamed M Not born alive Ruby STONEHAM - Perth
1909/100668 Perth Larin Unnamed M 4 weeks Rachair ROUSAKOK Simon LARIN Perth
1909/100669 Perth Thomas Thomas James M 30 - - Perth
1909/100670 Perth Hong Lee M 46 - - Perth
1909/100671 Perth Allsopp Muriel Maude F 12 months Ethel ROOKE Bondfield Harry Leon ALLSOPP West Perth
1909/100672 Perth Savage Sarah Ann F 28 Kate WALSH Thomas Nicholas SAVAGE Perth
1909/100673 Perth Moxon Archibald Howard M 23 Ada Kent POOLE Frederick Henry MOXON Perth
1909/100674 Perth Shuttleworth John William M 34 - John SHUTTLEWORTH Perth
1909/100675 Perth Smith Elizabeth F 75 - - Perth
1909/100676 Perth Wood Sarah F 68 - Unknown MOFFATT Maylands
1909/100677 Perth Rashleigh Jeannie F 66 - James MALLOCH Perth
1909/100678 Perth Curedale Marian F 62 - George HARDMAN Perth
1909/100679 Perth Ford James Penberthy M 65 Kezia BAPLE George FORD Perth
1909/100680 Perth Schüller Amy F 35 - - Perth
1909/100681 Perth Love Unnamed F 30 minutes Mary HERMAN Patrick Francis LOVE Belmont
1909/100682 Perth Angel Helen Charlotte F 45 Charlotte MORRAH William Henry DODD West Perth
1909/300001 Ashburton Donnelly Richard M 59 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Onslow
1909/300002 Ashburton Tigeroo Tosmato M 29 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Onslow
1909/300003 Ashburton Cameron Donald M 86 Ann CAMERON Alexander CAMERON Onslow
1909/300004 Ashburton Johnson Richard M 51 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Onslow Government Hospital
1909/300005 Ashburton Potter Henry M Unknown UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Secret Creek
1909/400001 Beverley Byrne Margaret F 47 Eliza FITZHERBERT Robert BYRNE Beverley
1909/400002 Beverley Robins Edmund M 6 months Grace Ellen SEWELL Benjamin ROBINS Beverley
1909/400003 Beverley Pettitt Ann Keziah F 75 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Pingelly
1909/400004 Beverley Walton Muriel Clara F 4 Clara Jane COX Stephen Emmanuel WALTON Pingelly
1909/400005 Beverley Thompson Unnamed F Not born alive Lilia Sarah MOULTON Andrew Hall THOMPSON Beverley
1909/400006 Beverley Haythornthwaite Unnamed F 1 hour Jane Edwards UNKNOWN John Proctor HAYTHORNTHWAITE South Caroling
1909/400007 Beverley Sewell Unnamed F 5 days Roselinde YONG Edgar SEWELL Pingelly
1909/400008 Beverley Marlow Morris Patrick M 45 Ellen KEERAN Morris Patrick MARLOW Pingelly
1909/400009 Beverley Monger Dulsie Iris F 10 weeks Mary Elizabeth MONGER Ernest Charles MONGER Pingelly
1909/400010 Beverley Tregurtha James Bryant M 75 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Pingelly
1909/400011 Beverley Smith Unnamed M Not born alive Rosetta SMITH - Beverley
1909/400012 Beverley Harmstrom Dora Matilda F 33 Jane DEANE Michael ROSS Beverley
1909/400013 Beverley Smith Elsie Doreen F 5 hours Julia EDWARDS Edmund Horace SMITH Beverley
1909/400014 Beverley Harford John Henry M 44 Mary ALYWARD John HARFORD Beverley
1909/400015 Beverley Joyce John Patrick M 13 months Nora FITZGERALD Daniel JOYCE Kunjinn
1909/400016 Beverley Fairhead Unnamed F Not born alive Florence MCBURNEY George Valentine FAIRHEAD Pingelly
1909/400017 Beverley Higgins Unnamed M Not born alive Eliza INGRAM Richard HIGGINS Pingelly
1909/400018 Beverley Oliver William Thomas M 58 Jane OLIVER William OLIVER Kulyaling
1909/400019 Beverley Townley William George Walter M 36 Mary GLEN William Robert Walter TOWNLEY Beverley
1909/400020 Beverley Lee Frederick M Unknown UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Beverley
1909/400021 Beverley Brody Edward Michael O'Rielly M 33 Maria GAVIN William Alexander Lieutenant Ward BRODY Beverley
1909/400022 Beverley McCooke Thomas M 8 weeks Barbara MCLEAN Archibald MCLEAN Beverley
1909/400023 Beverley Sewell Doreen Decima F 11 months Jessie Maud BROUN Decimus SEWELL Pingelly
1909/400024 Beverley Smoker Unnamed M Not born alive Daisy Beatrice PORTER Walter SMOKER Merwonga
1909/400025 Beverley Collard Raymond M 3 weeks Ethel COLLARD - Beverley
1909/400026 Beverley Bowden Henry Ernest M 7 weeks Emily BAKER George BOWDEN Pingelly
1909/400027 Beverley Norman Joseph M 36 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Pingelly
1909/400028 Beverley Wilson Margaret F 6 hours Cecilia Catherine KENNEDY Henry Alexander WILSON Beverley
1909/400029 Beverley Durham Allan M 1 day Alice HILL George DURHAM Beverley
1909/400030 Beverley Pearce Dorothy Agnes F 8 months Agnes TAFT Arthur PEARCE Pingelly
1909/400031 Beverley Broomfield Margaret Wilson F 76 UNKNOWN James QUINLAN Beverley
1909/400032 Beverley Johnston Albert William M Not born alive Rebecca Anne PENFOLD David JOHNSTON Pingelly
1909/400033 Beverley Wanmac Cathleen F 10 months Mary JACOBS Frederick WANMAC Warraling
1909/400034 Beverley Ware Unnamed M Not born alive Johannah KEARNEY Alfred WARE Beverley
1909/400035 Beverley Brown Roy Henry M 1 Sarah Elizabeth SNOW Henry James BROWN Pingelly
1909/400036 Beverley Oliver Isabella Geraldine F 26 Elizabeth Lucy WATSON Frederick Thomson OLIVER Beverley
1909/400037 Beverley Hamling Jessie Isabel F 27 Fanny TAIT John McGregor SUTHERLAND Beverley
1909/400038 Beverley Mitchell Myrtle Louisa F 24 Louisa BROAD Francis Kerr HOPKINS Near Beverley
1909/400039 Beverley Hamersley Hilda Georgina F 10 Emily Adelaide LLOYD Bevon HAMERSLEY Beverley
1909/400040 Beverley Atkins Mary F 2 days Clara Agness DANIELS William ATKINS East Brookton
1909/400041 Beverley Willey Mabel Gladys Muriel F 2 months Hannah BROWN Thomas WILLEY Beverley
1909/400042 Beverley McLean Unnamed M Not born alive Mabel Jessie ADAMSON James Kenneth MCLEAN Beverley
1909/400043 Beverley Black Duncan M 74 Agnes THOMPSON John BLACK Pingelly
1909/400044 Beverley Turpin Ethel Annie F 8 Louisa BEANCLERC William TURPIN Pingelly
1909/400045 Beverley Sewell John Edward M 68 Anne Susan Wybourne PARKER John SEWELL Pingelly Sewell-416
1909/400046 Beverley Duff Margaret F 1 day Elizabeth Ellen NESBITT Alexander DUFF Beverley
1910/500001 Blackwood Jupiter - M 38 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Bridgetown
1909/500003 Blackwood Keyser Unnamed M Not born alive Lucy SANDERSON Charles Christopher KEYSER North Greenbushes
1909/500004 Blackwood Maynard William Walter M 59 UNKNOWN John MAYNARD Balingup
1909/500005 Blackwood Ross Colin M 76 - - Near Mokerdillup
1909/500006 Blackwood Ross Donald M 41 - Colin ROSS Near Mokerdillup
1909/500007 Blackwood Wilkins John Henry M 55 Mary UNKNOWN James WILKINS Greenbushes
1909/500008 Blackwood Mudge Matilda Winifred F 39 Mary Ann SCOTT Edward MARTIN Greenbushes
1909/500009 Blackwood Higgins James Jerome M 64 Mary WINTON James Jerome HIGGINS Bridgetown Govt Hospital
1909/500010 Blackwood Walsh Mary F 1 Elizabeth O'CALLAGHAN Francis Edward WALSH Greenbushes
1909/500011 Blackwood Hall Unnamed M Not born alive Emily Ann HANSON Josiah HALL Greenbushes
1909/500012 Blackwood Cameron Donald M 44 MARY Donald CAMERON Greenbushes
1909/500013 Blackwood Nobby - M 35 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Bridgetown Hospital
1909/500014 Blackwood Mingo Chuckey M 35 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Bridgetown
1909/500015 Blackwood Smith George Edward M 44 Mary Henrietta COULSON George SMITH Bridgetown Hospital
1909/500016 Blackwood O'Neil Henry Abraham M 13 months Maud MOULTON Thomas O'NEIL Bridgetown
1909/500017 Blackwood Oppermann Beryl Maud F 4 weeks Maud Mary FRENCH Albert Louis OPPERMANN South Greenbushes
1909/500018 Blackwood Smith Annie Vaughan F 35 Emma Jane CAMPBELL Isaac ROBERTS Greenbushes
1909/500019 Blackwood Tanner John M 60 minutes Mary Alice SHIEL John TANNER Greenbushes
1909/500020 Blackwood Cowper Agnes Grace F 4 Madeline SMITH Thomas Thomson COWPER Greenbushes
1909/500021 Blackwood Piggott - M 3 hours Elizabeth Gertrude ROSSITER Fredrick Charles PIGGOTT Warren
1909/500022 Blackwood Nash Robert M 66 UNKNOWN Robert NASH Greenbushes
1909/500023 Blackwood Maguire Charles Francis M 71 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Greenbushes
1909/500024 Blackwood Healy Vera Lillian Ann F 17 months Mary HEALY - Greenbushes
1909/500025 Blackwood May Elizabeth Mary F 57 Elizabeth UNKNOWN William CROCKER Greenbushes
1909/500026 Blackwood Peach Charles Hugh M 33 Bridget LOFTUS John PEACH Bridgetown Hospital
1909/500027 Blackwood Smith Robert Albert M 43 Ellen UNKNOWN Robert David SMITH Bridgetown
1909/500028 Blackwood Scott Adelaide Augusta Maria F 40 Sarah WALKINGTON SOFFA Greenbushes
1909/500029 Blackwood Affleck John M 79 Margaret UNKNOWN John AFFLECK Greenbushes
1909/500030 Blackwood Abel Johann Christian M 53 Thresa ECKHARD Christian ABEL Boyup Brook
1909/500031 Blackwood McDonald Unnamed M Not born alive Fanny Alice RING Robert MCDONALD Greenbushes
1909/500032 Blackwood McDonald Fanny Alice F 28 Eliza QUATERMAINE McLaren RING Greenbushes
1909/500033 Blackwood Hancock Lucy Everetta F 16 Lucy MUCKRIDGE Ernest Frederick Robert HANCOCK Balingup
1909/500034 Blackwood Muir Charles Cresswell M 13 months Ella Maud GIBLETT Henry Cresswell MUIR Balbarrup
1909/500035 Blackwood Melvin Hazel Audrey F 5 Ethel Wilhelmina CONRAD Frank Page MELVIN Greenbushes
1909/500036 Blackwood Ryall Karoline Hermine F 24 Anna Emilie DOECKE Franz Joseph KAUFMANN Upper Blackwood
1909/500037 Blackwood Berryman Gladys Maud F 2 Maud SINCOCK Samuel BERRYMANN Greenbushes Government Hospital
1909/500038 Blackwood Stewart Unnamed F Not born alive Elizabeth LIDDLE James STEWART Local Nelson Area
1909/500039 Blackwood Punch Wilfred M 13 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Bridgetown
1909/500040 Blackwood Birchall John Edward M 17 Emma CONNETT John BIRCHALL Near Dingup 29 miles from Bridgetown
1909/500041 Blackwood Vincent Rosina F 37 Eliza GALE Thomas WILLIAMS Bridgetown
1909/500042 Blackwood Vincent Unnamed F Not born alive Rosina WILLIAMS William VINCENT Bridgetown
1909/500043 Blackwood Treloar Catharine F 4 days Elizabeth Maria OVERALL William Joseph TRELOAR Boyup Brook
1909/500044 Blackwood Smith Kathleen Mary F 9 Adela ADAMS Robert SMITH Greenbushes
1909/500045 Blackwood Morrison Albert M 30 Ellen SWYNY George MORRISON Greenbushes
1909/500046 Blackwood Meredith Sarah Daphne F 32 Emily Katherine UNKNOWN Charles WINTER Greenbushes
1909/500047 Blackwood Langley George M 26 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN At the railway clearing about 1 1/2 miles from Bridgetown on Wilgarrup Section
1909/500048 Blackwood Kenney Norman Bertram M 10 months Sophia Mary STROUD William Bertred KENNEY South Greenbushes on Crown Lands
1909/500049 Blackwood Machin Joseph Adderley M 69 Mary UNKNOWN Joseph MACHIN Bridgetown
1909/500050 Blackwood Dahl Margaret Jane F 31 Mary Ann LILLY George STEPHENS Bridgetown
1909/500051 Blackwood Stroud Robert James M 55 Mary Elizabeth ROSE Robert STROUD Greenbushes
1909/600002 Black Range Rochester Mabel F 3 months Alice Georgina HUMPHREY Thomas James ROCHESTER Sandstone
1909/600003 Black Range McInnes Peter M 52 UNKNOWN Charles MCINNES Sandstone
1909/600004 Black Range Dechert Jessie Veronica F 9 months Annie CALE Fredrick William DECHERT Sandstone
1909/600005 Black Range Gordon Ronald James M 6 months Florence Mary BARNES Colin Sutherland GORDON Sandstone District Hospital
1909/600006 Black Range Ryan Patrick M 44 Dora CUMMINS Unknown RYAN Black Range District Hospital
1909/600007 Black Range Prater Unnamed M Not born alive Winifred Grace MULLINS Reginald Charles PRATER Sandstone
1909/600008 Black Range Turney Arthur M 45 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Sandstone
1909/600009 Black Range Noske Mary Jane F 35 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Sandstone
1909/600010 Black Range Docwra Jean Donaldson F 3 months Eva Margaret DONALDSON Charles DOCWRA Hancocks
1909/600011 Black Range Ryan Joseph Gerard M 3 months Sarah TULLY Jeremiah Joseph RYAN Sandstone
1909/600012 Black Range Oliphant George Edward M Not born alive Lynda Evelyn MOORE John Douglas OLIPHANT Sandstone
1909/600013 Black Range Simpson John Law Downie M 42 Jane DOWNIE Thomas SIMPSON Sandstone
1910/700001 Boulder Stevens Catherine Sarah Agnes F 37 Julia MARTIN Andrew MILLIGAN Boulder
1910/700002 Boulder Jorden Harold M 10 months Henerietta FRIEDLANDER Michael Francis JORDEN Boulder
1910/700003 Boulder Broad Gladys Jean F 6 weeks Elizabeth Wright MCCALLUM Thomas BROAD Boulder
1910/700004 Boulder Shield Thelma Irene F 13 months Mary Ellen O'BRIEN John Thomas SHIELD Boulder
1910/700005 Boulder McDonald Donald M 69 Julia MCPHAIL Alexander MCDONALD Hill End
1909/700005 Boulder Green James M Not born alive Rosie Bella DATE Edward GREEN Boulder
1909/700006 Boulder Woods Hector Randle M 10 months Minna SHEPHERD Samuel WOODS Kamballie
1910/700006 Boulder Batten Robert Edward M 3 months Ann Isabella TAYLOR Alexander BATTEN Boulder
1909/700007 Boulder Hardeman Thomas John M 24 Lovedy DOBER William Henry HARDEMAN Boulder
1909/700008 Boulder Bennetts Richard John M 35 Mary Ann STEPHENS Richard BENNETTS Boulder
1910/700009 Boulder Evans Stanley M Not born alive Julia Jane EVANS John EVANS Boulder
1909/700009 Boulder Sauer Doris Ellen F Not born alive Mary Ellen MUSGRAVE Edward Frederick SAUER Boulder
1909/700010 Boulder Cousins May F 6 months Annie REID Charles COUSINS Boulder
1909/700011 Boulder Bartram Dulcie May F 8 months Mary Jane THOMPSON Lewis BARTRAM Kamballie
1909/700012 Boulder McInerney James M 13 months Violet BOULTER James MCINERNEY Boulder
1909/700014 Boulder Parker James M 76 UNKNOWN John PARKER Kalgoorlie
1909/700015 Boulder Verran Olive F 1 day Mabel Jane PHILLIPS Edgar Perceval VERRAN Boulder
1909/700016 Boulder Byrne Isabel F 7 months Jane GAUGE Dan BRYNE Boulder
1909/700017 Boulder Brehaut Lillian May F 29 Jane DAWSON Edward BURKE Boulder
1909/700018 Boulder Buxton David M 55 Ann LEWIS Thomas BUXTON Boulder
1909/700019 Boulder Williams Elizabeth F 29 Marion THOMSON John Travis HALLIDAY Boulder
1909/700020 Boulder Jeffries William Charles M 45 Mary Ann SWIFT James JEFFRIES Boulder
1909/700021 Boulder Sydenham Bertha F 34 Hannah TAYLOR Wilhelm Christian Ludwig FINCK Boulder
1909/700022 Boulder Jackson Thomas M 47 Ellen HALSTEAD David JACKSON Boulder
1909/700023 Boulder Parker Frederick Charles Thomas M 10 weeks Elizabeth COX Frederick PARKER Trafalgar
1909/700024 Boulder Watson Ivan Omiloff M 3 months Dorothy Elizabeth RUDD Edward WATSON Ivanhoe Junction Gold Mining Lease
1909/700025 Boulder Grisold William M 55 Susannah MARKEM George GRISOLD Boulder
1909/700026 Boulder Jacobs Verbena Maria F 27 Mary UNKNOWN James DONOGHUE Boulder
1909/700027 Boulder Hamilton Bridget F 33 Mary KENNEDY John HAMILTON Boulder
1909/700028 Boulder Kennedy Martin Francis M 11 months Barbara ELDER Francis Patrick KENNEDY West Boulder Lease
1909/700029 Boulder Sampson Florrie F 18 Emily TREMBERTH William SAMPSON Boulder
1909/700030 Boulder Nicholls Thomas M 53 UNKNOWN Mark NICHOLLS Brown Hill
1909/700031 Boulder Linklater Gladys F Not born alive Florence Adelaide GEORGE William Edwin Munro LINKLATER Boulder
1909/700032 Boulder Gough May F 10 hours Louisa Jane SAUNDERS Henry GOUGH Boulder
1909/700033 Boulder Strongman Emily F 51 Hannah MILLS Robert MARSHMAN Boulder
1909/700034 Boulder Bright Bernard M 4 weeks Emma Christina PLUNKETT Bertrand Bellamy Bentley BRIGHT Boulder
1909/700035 Boulder Minchin Elsie Thelma May F 3 months May GILLET Edwin Robert MINCHIN Boulder
1909/700036 Boulder Joyce Elizabeth F 30 Jane ROBERTSON William Knight BORRADALE Boulder
1909/700037 Boulder Dawe Ivy Ellen F 2 Ruby Ivy HANCOCK William DAWE Boulder
1909/700038 Boulder Johnson William Lance M 12 Lilian JOLLY William JOHNSON Boulder
1909/700039 Boulder Frew Edward M 2 Ethel SMITH John FREW Boulder
1909/700040 Boulder Phillips Emily F 26 Mary WILLIAMS John Francis IVES Kallaroo
1909/700041 Boulder Davey William M 29 Sophia ROWE Edwin DAVEY Boulder
1909/700042 Boulder Bright Harold Gladstone M 7 weeks Emma Christina PLUNKETT Bertrand Bellamy Bentley BRIGHT Boulder
1909/700043 Boulder Conroy William Joseph M 5 Margaret Amy RICHARDSON James CONROY Boulder
1909/700044 Boulder Walton Ernest William M 1 Lilly Blanche THOMAS Frederick William WALTON Boulder
1909/700045 Boulder Clarke William James M 1 Leah Rachael HOSKINGS Frederick Peter CLARKE Boulder
1909/700046 Boulder Wallace John M 44 UNKNOWN Unknown WALLACE Boulder
1909/700047 Boulder Elsegood Frederick Charles M 16 months Matilda WARBURTON Arthur John ELSEGOOD Boulder
1909/700048 Boulder Horrocks Mavis Ada F 3 months Hannah Mary SMITH Benjamin HORROCKS Boulder
1909/700049 Boulder Russell Ellen F 7 months Norah ENGLISH William RUSSELL Boulder
1909/700050 Boulder Wallis Ernest John M 12 months Mary JENNINGS John WALLIS Boulder
1909/700051 Boulder Smith James M 84 Sarah Jane UNKNOWN Unknown SMITH Boulder
1909/700052 Boulder Stephenson Catherine May F 8 Emma Jane BICKLE Robert STEPHENSON Boulder
1909/700053 Boulder Johnston Hazel Jean F 5 months Emily GILBERT John JOHNSTON Boulder
1909/700054 Boulder Smith Charles M 49 UNKNOWN Charles SMITH Boulder
1909/700055 Boulder Bowden Eliza Jane F 38 Susan JOLLY Charles WISEMAN Boulder
1909/700056 Boulder Schmidt Charles Frederick Julius M 65 Frederica BAUM Charles SCHMIDT Boulder
1909/700057 Boulder Winter John M 47 Catherine CUNNINGHAM John WINTER Brown Hill Railway Crossing
1909/700058 Boulder Close Emily Elizabeth F 11 Elizabeth HODGE William CLOSE Boulder
1909/700059 Boulder Hall Ethel Eliza F 29 Elizabeth LATHLEAN John Johns PENHALL Boulder
1909/700060 Boulder Treloar Charles Cameron Kingston M 7 months Jessie HUDSON Albert TRELOAR Boulder
1909/700061 Boulder Greaves Albert Cookson M 35 Rose Greaves HANCOCK Cookson GREAVES Boulder
1909/700062 Boulder Briggs Frank M 24 Mary Ann HARRISON Gideon BRIGGS Boulder
1909/700063 Boulder McConkey David M 41 Sarah WILKINSON William MCCONKEY Boulder
1909/700064 Boulder Hughes Percy James M 1 Cecilia Rose MCMAHON David George HUGHES West Boulder
1909/700065 Boulder Warn Thomas Metherall M 62 Ann METHERALL John WARN Boulder
1909/700066 Boulder Green Greta May F 7 months Annie CHANDLER Charles Reuben GREEN Boulder
1909/700067 Boulder Jose William M 43 Julia MITCHELL Joseph JOSE Boulder
1909/700068 Boulder Roberts Thomas M 49 Eliza CARMAN Thomas ROBERTS Boulder No 1 Lease
1909/700069 Boulder Brown Adelaide Teresa Thorina F 6 months Ellen Blanche FEATHERBY Thomas Henry BROWN Boulder No 1 Lease
1909/700070 Boulder Saunders John Sylvester M 17 months Evelyn Margaret FAULL Thomas Alfred SAUNDERS Boulder
1909/700071 Boulder Allen John M 43 Emily GRIST John Thomas ALLEN Central West Boulder Gold Mine
1909/700072 Boulder Green Bessie Edith F 7 months Annie CHANDLER Charles Reuben GREEN Boulder
1909/700073 Boulder Rew William Edward M 4 months Mabel Alberta DEEBLE John REW Boulder
1909/700074 Boulder McKelvie Jack M 6 months Hannah FARRINGTON Alexander John MCKELVIE Boulder
1909/700075 Boulder Trebilcock Mary Ellen F 10 months Minnie WILLIAMS John Thomas TREBILCOCK Boulder
1909/700076 Boulder Hingston Unnamed F 30 minutes Stella WOOD Clarence Leslie HINGSTON Boulder
1909/700077 Boulder Tooth William M 36 Emma STRINGER William TOOTH Boulder
1909/700078 Boulder Wearing Unnamed M 18 hours Elizabeth BOWDEN William Robert WEARING Boulder
1909/700079 Boulder Robertson Vernerd Windsor M 3 Catherine Agnes Ethel ARMSTRONG John Windsor ROBERTSON Boulder
1909/700080 Boulder Casey James M 41 Mary UNKNOWN Robert CASEY Boulder
1909/700081 Boulder Hartree Carlos M 9 months Matilda BRISBANE Alfred George HARTREE Boulder
1909/700082 Boulder Lloyd James M 28 Maria STEVENS Dan LLOYD Boulder
1909/700083 Boulder Thompson George William M 32 Mary PRUETT George William THOMPSON Boulder
1909/700084 Boulder MacGregor Unnamed M Not born alive Lucy CAUFIELD Duncan MACGREGOR Boulder
1909/700085 Boulder Black Margaret Sadie F 11 months Margaret Ann WILLIS Charles BLACK Boulder
1909/700086 Boulder Teasdale Martha Margaret F 12 hours Martha Margaret KELLY James TEASDALE Boulder
1909/700087 Boulder Teasdale Mary Nicolson F 36 hours Martha Margaret KELLY James TEASDALE Boulder
1909/700088 Boulder Rogers Arthur M 16 hours Elizabeth Jane NANKIVELL Thomas Henry ROGERS Boulder
1909/700089 Boulder Jones Cathleen F 70 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Kallaroo
1909/700090 Boulder West Henry M 49 Mary CORNWALL Henry WEST Brown Hill
1909/700091 Boulder Meagher Thomas Francis M 32 Elizabeth TRACY James MEAGHER Boulder
1909/700092 Boulder Denman Lily F 6 Mary Ann MCCARTHY Thomas Henry DENMAN Boulder
1909/700093 Boulder Welch Edward Reuben M 50 Mary UNKNOWN Unknown WELCH Boulder
1909/700094 Boulder Fisher William M 1 day Veronica May ERNEST William FISHER Boulder
1909/700095 Boulder Rowe Winfred Millicent F 6 months Rosaline ROWE Richard ROWE Trafalgar
1909/700096 Boulder Valentine Eileen Annie F 4 Ruth JELLETT Henry John VALENTINE Boulder
1909/700097 Boulder Teasdale Martha Margaret F 40 Margaret CURTAIN William KELLY Boulder
1909/700098 Boulder Duke Elizabeth Jane F 33 Sarah LUKEY John HATTAM Boulder
1909/700099 Boulder Duke George M 1 hour Elizabeth Jane HATTAM John DUKE Boulder
1909/700100 Boulder Dawe Unnamed F Not born alive Ruby Ivey HANCOCK William DAWE Boulder
1909/700101 Boulder Boneham James M 77 Mary LAMBERT William BONEHAM Boulder
1909/700102 Boulder Knight Unnamed F Unknown Ellen Bridget WYNNE Thomas Harold KNIGHT Boulder
1909/700103 Boulder Strempel Janet Adelaide F 34 Jane MCKENZIE Robert DUNCAN Boulder
1909/700104 Boulder Strempel Jessie F 1 day Janet Adelaide DUNCAN Hermann Willhelm Edward STREMPEL Boulder
1909/700105 Boulder Gray David Huntley M 37 UNKNOWN Unknown GRAY Brown Hill
1909/700106 Boulder Shanahan Philip M 64 Maria CAREY Philip SHANAHAN Boulder
1909/700107 Boulder Jones Richard M 27 Grace UNKNOWN Unknown JONES Boulder
1909/700108 Boulder Warland Arthur S M 46 UNKNOWN Edward WARLAND Boulder
1909/700109 Boulder Deason Hazel Loretta F 10 months Louisa Ann OPIE John Edward DEASON Boulder
1909/700110 Boulder Emmett Lucy Patricia F 7 months Lucy LEITCH Robert EMMETT Boulder
1909/700111 Boulder Cavanagh Dorothy Jean F 4 months Eva Olive STOCKER Arthur Percival Thomas CAVANAGH Boulder
1909/700112 Boulder Bryant Bertram Albert M 27 Elizabeth Jane COLLINS Robert BRYANT Boulder
1909/700113 Boulder Smitherham Frances F 69 Susan UNKNOWN Richard BARRETT Boulder
1909/700114 Boulder Asher Margaret F 2 days Georgina Cecilia WHITSED William Daniel ASHER Boulder
1909/700115 Boulder Asher Myrtle F 2 days Georgina Cecilia WHITSED William Daniel ASHER Boulder
1909/700116 Boulder Raftis Robert M 41 Elizabeth KENNEDY John RAFTIS Boulder
1909/700117 Boulder Scott John M 12 days Lilly BROWN William Henry Longmore SCOTT Trafalgar
1909/700118 Boulder Marriott Frank Green M 63 UNKNOWN Unknown MARRIOTT Boulder
1909/700119 Boulder Thomas Henry M 72 Honar UNKNOWN Henry THOMAS Boulder
1909/700120 Boulder Keogh Vincent M 2 Catherine BYRNE James KEOGH Boulder
1909/700121 Boulder Pattison Martha F 77 Martha BURRIDGE James BURRIDGE Boulder
1909/700122 Boulder Hodges Charles M Not born alive Annie BOLTON Frank HODGES Boulder
1909/700123 Boulder Kennett Frank M 55 UNKNOWN Unknown KENNETT Boulder
1909/700124 Boulder Cowl Florence Elizabeth F 16 months Louisa BRADY Arthur COWL Trafalgar
1909/700125 Boulder Hunt Unnamed M Not born alive Amy Frances MCGUIRE Edgar Frederick Dunning HUNT Boulder
1909/700126 Boulder Scanlon Dorothy Mary F 9 months Ellen SCULLAN Daniel SCANLON Boulder
1909/700127 Boulder Sly Hilda Gertrude F 18 Elizabeth SULLIVAN Tom SLY Boulder
1909/700128 Boulder Richards William Stephen M 62 Jane VINE James RICHARDS Boulder
1909/700129 Boulder Hendry James M 43 Margaret HERRARA John HENDRY Boulder
1909/700130 Boulder Delbridge Theodore Martin M 30 Ellen ANDREWATHA Isaac DELBRIDGE Boulder
1909/700131 Boulder Pascoe Elizabeth F 45 UNKNOWN George TURNER Boulder
1909/700132 Boulder Tolmie Caroline Elizabeth F 8 Eliza LEEDER John TOLMIE Mines Hospital
1909/700133 Boulder Long Ann F 43 Susan UNKNOWN Job JENKINS Boulder
1909/700134 Boulder Nankivell Phillip M 45 Mary UNKNOWN Richard NANKIVELL Boulder
1909/700135 Boulder Hall Eliza F 43 Margaret TEMPLE Matthew CARSON Boulder
1909/700136 Boulder Brown Unnamed M Not born alive Lilly SCOTT William Alexander BROWN Boulder
1909/700137 Boulder Whalan James David Henry M 6 Rose Mary NEVIN James WHALAN Boulder
1909/700138 Boulder Bennett William M 46 Mary UNKNOWN Unknown BENNETT Boulder Block
1909/700139 Boulder Thomas Unnamed M Not born alive Elizabeth THOMAS - Trafalgar
1909/700140 Boulder Walsh Harry M 55 UNKNOWN Unknown WALSH Boulder
1909/700141 Boulder McCoy George M 65 UNKNOWN Unknown MCCOY Boulder
1909/700142 Boulder Bray Ambrose Marshall M 26 Lucy MARSHALL Ambrose BRAY Boulder
1909/700143 Boulder Kearns Elizabeth F 2 days Elizabeth Jane COLLINS Edward Charles KEARNS Boulder
1909/700144 Boulder Marinkovic Anton M 16 months Mara SERVANTE Anton MARINKOVIC Boulder
1909/700145 Boulder Murray John M 45 UNKNOWN Unknown MURRAY Boulder
1909/700146 Boulder Sheehan Dennis M 6 Alice MORONEY John Edward SHEEHAN Kamballie
1909/700147 Boulder Stevens John Yeulett M 6 months Bessie Mary YEULETT Thomas Richard Barnbrook STEVENS Boulder
1909/700148 Boulder Tatti Edna May F 6 months Alma CLAY Vincent TATTI Boulder
1909/700149 Boulder Sheehan John Edward M 54 Mary SHEEHAN Luke SHEEHAN Kamballie
1909/700150 Boulder Baum William M Not born alive Amelia SCHLEMAKER Herman BAUM Boulder
1909/700151 Boulder Grafton Lurline F 4 months Eveleyn Maud BROWN Walter Marshall GRAFTON Boulder
1909/700152 Boulder Carberry Thomas M 53 UNKNOWN Unknown CARBERRY Boulder
1909/700153 Boulder Byrne Mary Katherine F 17 Mary LYNCH Daniel BYRNE Boulder
1909/700154 Boulder Rogers Robert Alfred M 4 days Laura May ELLIOTT Robert Victor ROGERS Boulder
1909/700155 Boulder Seymour Unnamed M Not born alive Stella THORN - Boulder
1909/700156 Boulder Sly Hilda Baker F 10 weeks Hilda Gertrude SLY - Boulder
1909/700157 Boulder Ratcliffe William Henry James M 9 months Maud TERRELL William James Frederick RATCLIFFE Boulder
1909/700158 Boulder Nutt Ethel Vera F 2 weeks Bessie NUTT - Boulder
1909/700159 Boulder Bell Charles Francis M 10 weeks Ellen CRAMER Robert Rankin Bruce BELL Boulder
1909/700160 Boulder Davies Unnamed F Not born alive Annie Elizabeth BACKUS Edwin Rees DAVIES Boulder
1909/700161 Boulder Turrell Ivy F 2 days Rose BENNETTS William Wakeford TURRELL Kamballie
1909/700162 Boulder Kilgariff Michael Anthony M 27 Ellen RYAN Thomas KILGARIFF Boulder
1909/700163 Boulder Shannhan Patrick M 3 days Sarah Ann NEATE Thomas SHANNHAN Boulder
1909/700164 Boulder Wallace Alexander Ross M 2 Elizabeth CHAPMAN James Ross WALLACE Boulder
1909/700165 Boulder Bowen Margaret F 3 days Margaret EDDY Elias Harris BOWEN Boulder
1909/700166 Boulder Opie Mary Young F 32 Mary Young FORBES Thomas SCOTT Boulder
1909/700167 Boulder Bowen Margaret F 27 Eliza Jane VEALE William John EDDY Boulder
1909/700168 Boulder Stream Edith Ethel F 23 Margret Ann FENN George GOLDSMITH Boulder
1909/700169 Boulder Frayne Fred M 9 months Maud Victoria KNUCKEY William FRAYNE Boulder
1909/700170 Boulder Thomas William M 38 UNKNOWN Unknown THOMAS Near Feysville
1909/700171 Boulder Fletcher Alexander M 33 Caroline BOYD Thomas Henry FLETCHER Boulder
1909/700172 Boulder Harris Lancelot William Squires M 8 months Rosina BRADSHAW Joseph HARRIS Boulder
1909/700173 Boulder Gilchrist Jessie Jean F 11 months Jean Smythe BEAUSANG John Gorden GILCHRIST Boulder
1909/700174 Boulder Martin Norman Gordon M 24 Mary SMITH William Roger MARTIN Boulder
1909/700175 Boulder Gray William M 73 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Boulder
1909/700176 Boulder Grafton Doris May F 5 months Evelyn Maud BROWN Walter Marshall GRAFTON Boulder
1909/700177 Boulder Langdon Dorothy Enid F 8 months Ethel Jane HALL James Henry LANGDON Boulder
1909/700178 Boulder Rowe Williamson Bartle M 1 Lilly BARTLE Williamson Alfred ROWE Boulder
1909/700179 Boulder Treloar Rita Charlotte F 18 months Edith Mary HUTTON Ernest Cecil TRELOAR Boulder
1909/700180 Boulder Bennett Olive Myrtle F 8 months Martha COOPER David BENNETT Boulder
1909/700181 Boulder Hutchison William Arthur M 6 hours Bessie Louisa ELLIOTT William HUTCHISON Boulder
1909/700182 Boulder Houlden John Hector M 16 hours Louisa BEAGLEHOLE George HOULDEN Boulder
1909/700183 Boulder Delbridge Charles Frederick M 11 months Ada MARTIN Theodore Martin DELBRIDGE Boulder
1909/700184 Boulder Nye Frank M 34 Margaret DUGGAN Hiram NYE Boulder
1909/700185 Boulder Tasker Henry Robert M 18 months May FOSTER Henry Edward TASKER Boulder
1909/700186 Boulder Robertson Frank M Not born alive Elizabeth TYRRELL Frank Gustof ROBERTSON Boulder
1909/700187 Boulder Podger William M 54 Betsey BARNETT George PODGER Boulder
1909/700188 Boulder Murphy John M 41 UNKNOWN Unknown MURPHY Kamballie
1909/700189 Boulder Hughes Frederick William M 7 months Rosanna STEVENS Frederick Victor HUGHES Boulder
1909/700190 Boulder Byrne Mary F Not born alive Sarah STANLEY Patrick BYRNE Brown Hill
1909/700191 Boulder Carroll Albert James M 12 months Flossie May GLASSON Henry Herbert CARROLL Boulder
1909/700192 Boulder Flanagan Michael M 55 UNKNOWN Michael FLANAGAN Boulder
1909/700193 Boulder Wallace Melva Jean F 14 months Jane Louisa CARTER Ernest Alfred WALLACE Boulder
1909/700194 Boulder Barrett John Jeffrey M 40 Louisa Ellen UNKNOWN Unknown BARRETT Boulder
1909/700195 Boulder Ashman George James Clifford M 13 months Eliza Jane JENKINS William George ASHMAN Boulder
1909/700196 Boulder Tinkler Mabel F 7 months Isabell TINKLER - Boulder
1909/700197 Boulder Webb Raymond Seymour M 8 months Beatrice Amy SEYMOUR Robert Edwin WEBB Boulder
1909/700198 Boulder Allen Isabella McPherson F 22 Mary Ann MCNAUGHTON Alexander KENNEDY Boulder
1909/700199 Boulder Hillman Ellen Estella F 14 Mary Jane KNIGHT Charles Fredrick HILLMAN Boulder
1909/700200 Boulder Tasker Alfred M 3 hours May FOSTER Henry Edwin TASKER Boulder
1909/700201 Boulder Mundy Phyllis Irene F 11 months Clara Ann MELLOR Charles Henry MUNDY Trafalgar
1909/700202 Boulder Law Keith Stanton M 4 months Jane STANTON Enoch LAW Boulder
1909/700203 Boulder Richards Selina F 38 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Boulder
1909/700204 Boulder Day William Henry M 13 weeks Maud COGDELL Mathew DAY Boulder
1909/700205 Boulder Tillett Unnamed M 36 hours Minnie WALKER Nathaniel TILLETT Boulder
1909/700206 Boulder Morris John Richard M 53 UNKNOWN Unknown MORRIS Fimiston Road
1909/700207 Boulder Campey Robert Spencer M 15 months Wilhelmina HUGER George Raymond CAMPEY Boulder
1909/700208 Boulder McNerny Frank M 32 Margaret Hannah EVANS Stephen Walter MCNERNY Boulder
1909/700209 Boulder Graham Viola Jane F 9 months Victoria HINERIC Thomas GRAHAM Boulder
1909/1000001 Broad Arrow Wright George William M 62 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broad Arrow
1909/1000002 Broad Arrow De Mamiel James M Not born alive Augusta Annie BEXTREAM James DE MAMIEL Paddington
1909/1000003 Broad Arrow Lewis Margaret F 81 Mary HOWELL David MORGAN Broad Arrow
1909/1000004 Broad Arrow Ross John Alexander M 6 Martha BARKER Hugh McKenzie ROSS Paddington
1909/1000005 Broad Arrow Conen Maggie Reid F 39 Jane REID Archibald MACGILL Broad Arrow
1909/1000006 Broad Arrow Erickson Jessie F 3 months Christina MELVILLE John ERICKSON Broad Arrow
1909/1000007 Broad Arrow Sudholz Beatrice May F 4 months May Jane MITCHELL Edwin Frederick SUDHOLZ Broad Arrow
1909/1100005 Broome Tahir Talip bin M 30 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100006 Broome Petrix Jules Henry M 60 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100007 Broome Ah Kang - M 40 See CHAN AH FOO Broome
1909/1100008 Broome Nomura Marizo M 19 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Near Beagle Bay
1909/1100009 Broome Minibung Unnamed F 12 hours MINIBUNG O/W KITTY UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100010 Broome Saley Doolah bin M 27 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100011 Broome White Patrick M 70 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board Lugger ""Helen"" off Broome"
1909/1100012 Broome Amen Mamin bin M 26 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100013 Broome Hichizo Wakabe M 23 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Beagle Bay
1909/1100014 Broome Ah Chue - F 4 months Lam Shee FOOHOW Yee WAH Broome
1909/1100015 Broome Ogas-awara Mohae M 24 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN La Grange Bay
1909/1100016 Broome Matsayos Chukada M 33 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Yampi Sound 150 miles North East of Broome
1909/1100017 Broome Gonsalves Cassumiro M 54 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100018 Broome Ah Long - M 45 UNKNOWN AH KEE Broome Hospital
1909/1100019 Broome Jimmy - M 60 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100020 Broome Yasamatsu Asachi M 28 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100021 Broome Yasutaro Sako M 30 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100022 Broome Dramah Sutchiman bin M 23 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100023 Broome Masaharo Nebo M 26 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100024 Broome Accosta Alexander M 39 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "La Grange Bay on Board the Lugger ""Phoebe"""
1909/1100025 Broome Morimoto Zantonio M 25 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board Schooner ""Ena"" off Point Mangroves about 80 miles South West of Broome"
1909/1100026 Broome Mataked Din bin M 28 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN At Sea off 90 mile Beach about 80 miles South of Broome
1909/1100027 Broome Ali Armin bin M 46 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board the Lugger ""Dorothy"" 25 miles West by South of Mangrove Point about 120 miles South of Broome"
1909/1100028 Broome Karry Kram bin M 23 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Red Hill 90 Mile Beach 150 Miles South West of Broome
1909/1100029 Broome Rice Alexander M 24 - - "On board Lugger ""Doric"" about 130 miles South West of Broome"
1909/1100030 Broome Sanitetchi Kynio M 21 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board Lugger ""Baltic"" 130 miles South West of Broome"
1909/1100031 Broome Doan Morni M 23 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100032 Broome Mohammet Bosa bin M 23 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100033 Broome Kolo Simon M 19 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN At Sea about 100 miles South West of Broome
1909/1100034 Broome Wargiman Ishmail bin M 25 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board the Lugger ""Constance"" about 80 miles South West of Broome off Cape Frezier"
1909/1100035 Broome Ghesabara Moswee M 31 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board the Lugger ""Phyllis"" off Wallal about 130 miles South West of Broome"
1909/1100036 Broome Waki Komakichi M 28 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board the Lugger ""Fanny"" 30 miles South West of Broome"
1909/1100037 Broome Bolog Soei M 20 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board Schooner ""Ena"" 100 miles South West of Broome"
1909/1100038 Broome Yamaguchi - M 22 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Off Mangrove Point about 90 miles South West of Broome
1909/1100039 Broome Jodo Onus bin M 27 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN At Sea Lat 16 47 South Long 122 degrees 7 minutes East about 60 miles North West of Beagle Bay
1909/1100040 Broome Mariano Pablo M 38 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Near Beagle Bay
1909/1100041 Broome Goodrich Lawrence Charles M 50 - - Broome Hospital
1909/1100042 Broome Singaitchi Nigami M 19 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100043 Broome Draman Ahmat bin M 23 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100044 Broome Kalmangar - M 18 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100045 Broome Lambang - M 25 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100046 Broome Kuchi Kamisaki M 21 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board Schooner ""Ena"" 110 miles South of Broome"
1909/1100047 Broome Nakahata - M 26 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board Lugger ""Patience"" off Broome"
1909/1100048 Broome Yumasaki Tatsue M 21 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100049 Broome Mohammed Bakar bin M 25 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Barred Creek 25 miles North East of Broome
1909/1100050 Broome Maysah Man bin M 24 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100051 Broome Joyo Hirano M 21 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100052 Broome Unknown - F 17 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100053 Broome Caddy - M 38 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100054 Broome Yagi Isaku M 25 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN "On board the Schooner ""Anthons"" off 90 mile Beach 100 miles South South West of Broome"
1909/1100055 Broome Okuhei Mitoh M 24 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN At Sea 90 miles South West from Broome
1909/1100056 Broome Koran - M 24 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100057 Broome Calyra - M 50 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Native Camp
1909/1100058 Broome Tige Dota M 22 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Near Broome
1909/1100059 Broome Torogie - M 24 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100060 Broome Ahmat Saramin bin M 22 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome Hospital
1909/1100061 Broome Mori - M 41 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Broome
1909/1100062 Broome Nobemo Sakanari M 7 months OTSUYA SAKANARI Broome
1909/1100063 Broome Franciso Tommy M 34 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN At Sea off Broome
1909/1400002 Canning Wilkie James Edward M 7 months Isabella STEVENS James WILKIE Armadale
1909/1400003 Canning Gibbs Stanley Victor M 4 months Elizabeth Jane SPENCER William Lacey GIBBS Woodlupine
1910/1400003 Canning Romaro Thomas M Unknown UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Near Pickering Brook
1909/1400004 Canning Gouldthorp Millicent F 17 hours Amy Louisa OLDFIELD Benjamin GOULDTHORP Armadale
1909/1400005 Canning Guthrie Norman Stuart M 39 Jessie THOMSON Hugh Miller GUTHRIE Kalamunda
1909/1400006 Canning Diederich Nora F 8 months Catherine ARBUTHNOTT John Francis DIEDERICH Jandakot
1909/1400007 Canning Pridmore George M 68 Mary TAYLOR William PRIDMORE 36 Mile Albany Road
1909/1400008 Canning Cotterell Cedric Brown M 8 months Rebecca BURNETT Sydney Herbert COTTERELL Cannington
1909/1400009 Canning Lepley Myrtle F 11 months Clara Mary PRESCOTT Harry LEPLEY Jandakot
1909/1400010 Canning Duckwood Thelma Muriel F 7 months Ellen AHARN John DUCKWOOD Cannington
1909/1400011 Canning Harrison Charles M 51 Mary GLEESON Louis HARRISON Jandakot
1909/1400012 Canning Maslin Eric John M 6 weeks Helen DAVENPORT John MASLIN Armadale
1909/1400013 Canning Giblett Emma F 17 Lilly CLARKE Jesse GIBLETT Heidelburg
1909/1400016 Canning Miels Mary Ann F 28 Eliza LEDDINGTON James SNOXHILL Cannington
1909/1400017 Canning Littlely William M 24 hours Susanna BOWRAN Ernest Edwin LITTLELY Nr Kalamunda
1909/1400018 Canning Barnett Mary Ann F 59 UNKNOWN William ALSOP Pickering Brook
1909/1400019 Canning Gardner Joseph M 49 Pheolic CHAPMAN John GARDNER Kelmscott
1909/1400020 Canning Gibbs William Lacey M 67 Harriett LACEY William GIBBS Woodlupine
1910/1600001 Claremont Pickett James Joseph M 72 - - Claremont
1909/1600002 Claremont Cheinat Kammas Oli M 33 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600003 Claremont Birtwistle Samuel M 76 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600004 Claremont Smyth William Holsom M 68 - Oldop Person SMYTH Claremont
1910/1600004 Claremont Black John M 60 Margrate MOWBRAY John Gibb BLACK Claremont
1909/1600005 Claremont Whiteside James M 100 Agnes ALLEN James WHITESIDE Claremont
1909/1600006 Claremont Cannon Peter M 74 Annie MCGINLEVY Hugh CANNON Claremont
1909/1600007 Claremont Johnston Sarah Jane F 51 Susan CHARTERS William JOHNSTON Claremont
1909/1600008 Claremont Butcher Thomas M 50 - - Claremont
1909/1600009 Claremont Churchill John M 74 UNKNOWN William CHURCHILL Claremont
1909/1600010 Claremont Kerrison Charles Leonard M 10 months Agnes PITTS Arthur Albert KERRISON Cottesloe
1909/1600011 Claremont Bristowe Lewis Werford M 48 - - Claremont
1909/1600012 Claremont Green Irene Gertrude F 7 months Isabella HARRISON George Henry GREEN Cottesloe
1909/1600013 Claremont McSherry William M 81 UNKNOWN Phillip MCSHERRY Claremont
1909/1600014 Claremont Miller Unnamed F Not born alive Annie WILSON Frederick John MILLER Claremont
1909/1600015 Claremont Brabner Roy M 4 weeks Ellen Lilian FLANAGAN Ellison John BRABNER Cottesloe
1909/1600016 Claremont Peskin Pessie F 29 - - Claremont
1909/1600017 Claremont Dowse Thomas M 44 - - Claremont
1909/1600018 Claremont Davis John M 79 Janet ROSS James DAVIS Claremont
1909/1600019 Claremont Player Ebenezer M 83 Elizabeth MORGAN William PLAYER Claremont
1909/1600020 Claremont Dobbin Francis M 6 days Charlotte Henrietta FRASER William Summers DOBBIN Cottesloe
1909/1600021 Claremont Smyth Attercliff Milroy M 16 Margaret CUNNINGHAM Edwin SMYTH Claremont
1909/1600022 Claremont Murray James Gardiner M 62 Unknown PORTER Alexander MURRAY Claremont
1909/1600023 Claremont Mackie John M 48 Margaret MCDONALD George MACKIE Claremont
1909/1600024 Claremont Broadhurst Florance Constantine M 47 Eliza Susan HOWES Charles Edward BROADHURST Cottesloe
1909/1600025 Claremont Christie James M 69 Catherine MCINNIS James CHRISTIE Claremont
1909/1600026 Claremont Russell James M 40 Hannah UNKNOWN Morgan RUSSELL Claremont
1909/1600027 Claremont Campion Louisa Edna F 4 Susie GARDINER George William CAMPION Claremont
1909/1600028 Claremont Morrell James M 56 Margaret TAYLOR John MORRELL Claremont
1909/1600029 Claremont Page John M 63 Mary Ann SANDERS James PAGE Claremont
1909/1600030 Claremont Sanders Thomas M 83 Ann PRICE William SANDERS Claremont
1909/1600031 Claremont Palmer William M 77 - - Claremont
1909/1600032 Claremont Gardner Mary Eliza F 38 Esther Carter STEDMAN James RUSSELL Claremont
1909/1600033 Claremont Coyle John Thomas M 35 Catherine DAVERN Patrick COYLE Claremont
1909/1600034 Claremont Cody Thomas Francis M 2 Mabel HALL John CODY Claremont
1909/1600035 Claremont Edwards Keith Fredrick M 18 months Lydia ALSOP Samuel Ernest EDWARDS Claremont
1909/1600036 Claremont Neilson Catherine F 60 Martha ELLIS John ROSS Claremont
1909/1600037 Claremont McGeary James M 37 - - Claremont
1909/1600038 Claremont Grieve Jane F 35 Isabel RAWLE Nicholas JEFFREY Claremont
1909/1600039 Claremont Okely Thomas Charles M 53 Elizabeth REILLY John OKELY Claremont
1909/1600040 Claremont McDonald Archibald M 68 Ellen DONELLY Archibald MCDONALD Claremont
1909/1600041 Claremont Honan Michael M 79 - - Claremont
1909/1600042 Claremont Cousins Arthur Joseph M 29 Mary MOORE William COUSINS Claremont
1909/1600043 Claremont Sawkins Hope F 4 weeks Alice Jane MCDONALD Walter Frederick Baker SAWKINS Cottesloe
1909/1600044 Claremont Armishaw Thomas Weston M 74 Ann ARKOLL John ARMISHAW Claremont
1909/1600045 Claremont Redden Patrick M 69 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600046 Claremont Clarke John M 78 UNKNOWN James CLARKE Claremont
1909/1600047 Claremont Jackson Robert M 69 MARY Robert JACKSON Claremont
1909/1600048 Claremont Falvey Thomas M 77 Johanna HICKEY James FALVEY Claremont
1909/1600049 Claremont Cathey John M 64 UNKNOWN John CATHEY Claremont
1909/1600050 Claremont Wall Unnamed M Not born alive Ethel BROADBENT Leonard James Bernard WALL Cottesloe
1909/1600051 Claremont Grace James M 76 Mary DORAN Patrick James GRACE Claremont
1909/1600052 Claremont Reish Jacob M 88 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600053 Claremont Paynting Mary Ann F 50 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600054 Claremont Brown Amy F 44 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600055 Claremont Neven Cherimindi F 21 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600056 Claremont Drabble Unnamed M 2 days Marion King CORBETT Walter DRABBLE Claremont
1909/1600057 Claremont Paton Susan F 73 Mary LOCKARD James SIMPSON Cottesloe
1909/1600058 Claremont Sutherland Alice Maud F 30 Elizabeth RALPH Thomas TOWNSEND Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600059 Claremont Kerr Frederick William M 18 Mary Ann NEVILLE John Innes KERR Claremont
1909/1600060 Claremont Ledger Thomas George M 58 Sarah JOHNSON Thomas LEDGER Claremont
1909/1600061 Claremont Hayes Alice Kate F 26 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600062 Claremont Warren Mary F 70 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600063 Claremont Veyrian Agnes Smith F 32 UNKNOWN Unknown JONES Claremont
1909/1600064 Claremont Tithrington Thomas M 72 Ann BAILEY Henry TITHRINGTON Claremont
1909/1600065 Claremont Caporn Athel James Good M 19 months Margaret Ellen HITCHCOCK Clarence James CAPORN Claremont
1909/1600066 Claremont Ballard John James M 60 Mary RODBAR James BALLARD Claremont
1909/1600067 Claremont Delaney Mary F 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600068 Claremont Johnston Alexander M 40 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600069 Claremont Davis Thelma Mary F 7 months Mary GIBSON William James DAVIS Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600070 Claremont Fisher John Benjamin M 53 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600071 Claremont Burrows Arthur Frederick M 3 months Ethel Edith BURROWS - Cottesloe
1909/1600072 Claremont Edwards Stanley George M 9 months Prescilla Harriett GIBBS George EDWARDS Claremont
1909/1600073 Claremont Hill George M 86 Mary UNKNOWN William Pearson HILL Claremont
1909/1600074 Claremont Arnold Charles M 59 Elizabeth SMART William ARNOLD Claremont
1909/1600075 Claremont Robinson John Malcolm M 43 Margaret BUCHANAN James ROBINSON Claremont
1909/1600076 Claremont Taylor Janet F 79 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600077 Claremont Clifton Dudley Robert M 1 Jessie Frances HURNALL Robert Henry CLIFTON Cottesloe
1909/1600078 Claremont Liddle William M 60 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600079 Claremont Hare Margaret F 32 Margaret ANGUS John Graham MCNEILL Claremont
1909/1600080 Claremont Reed Robert M 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600081 Claremont Woods Elizabeth Gertrude F 60 Anne HOPKINS Hugh MEENAN Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600082 Claremont Lamont Annie May Elizabeth F 68 UNKNOWN Thomas BOYLE Claremont
1909/1600083 Claremont Smith Patrick Alexander M 71 Bridget MCNALLY Richard Alexander SMITH Claremont
1909/1600084 Claremont Latimer Frederic George Nicholson M 49 Unknown PERKINS George LATIMER Claremont
1909/1600085 Claremont Ellwood Joseph Bowman M 34 Mary ROACH John ELLWOOD Claremont
1909/1600086 Claremont Walker Mary F 66 - Henry AITKEN Claremont
1909/1600087 Claremont Byford James M 85 Mary SOUTHCOTT William BYFORD Claremont
1909/1600088 Claremont Edmunds David M 62 Charlotte DAVIS David EDMUNDS Claremont
1909/1600089 Claremont Armstead Robert M 48 UNKNOWN William ARMSTEAD Claremont
1909/1600090 Claremont King William Elliott Minto M 60 UNKNOWN Unknown KING Claremont
1909/1600091 Claremont Higgins Unnamed F Not born alive Lydia Phoebe MACDONALD John HIGGINS Claremont
1909/1600092 Claremont Day James M 70 UNKNOWN Henry DAY Claremont
1909/1600093 Claremont Warris William M 78 Mary GREEN George WARRIS Claremont
1909/1600094 Claremont Hollard John M 54 Mary RICHARDS Giles HOLLARD Claremont
1909/1600095 Claremont Newbury Rowland M 74 Elizabeth DEAN Rowland NEWBURY Cottesloe
1909/1600096 Claremont Evans David Watkins M 54 Mary WATKINS David EVANS Claremont
1909/1600097 Claremont Lewis Nicholas M 67 Mary KAOILA Nicholas LEWIS Claremont
1909/1600098 Claremont Brealey Francis Thomas M 69 Mary Ann BACK John BREALEY Claremont
1909/1600099 Claremont Gray Samuel M 69 Martha GRIFFITHS Thomas GRAY Claremont
1909/1600100 Claremont Arekion Francis M 49 - - Claremont
1909/1600101 Claremont Annear David Samuel M 75 Susan KIRRETS Samuel ANNEAR Claremont
1909/1600102 Claremont Armstrong Sydney Herbert Albert M 7 weeks Grace Hilda MONTGOMERY Sydney John ARMSTRONG Claremont
1909/1600103 Claremont Thomas William Alfred M 48 Sarah Ann HIBBERT John Taylor THOMAS Claremont
1909/1600104 Claremont Carter George Alfred M 51 - - Claremont
1909/1600105 Claremont Loubere Joseph M 58 - - Claremont
1909/1600106 Claremont Hansen Peter M 70 Annie HANSTRITEL Hans POLSEN Claremont
1909/1600107 Claremont Feast George M 79 UNKNOWN Thomas FINCH Claremont
1909/1600108 Claremont Springett Harper M 59 Eliza ELLSON Robert SPRINGETT Claremont
1909/1600109 Claremont Kelly Ellen F 50 - - Claremont
1909/1600110 Claremont Coles Frederick M 67 Harriett MIST William COLES Claremont
1909/1600111 Claremont Montgomery Mary Jane F 78 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600112 Claremont Morgan Elizabeth F 79 Mary UNKNOWN William HEALEY Claremont
1909/1600113 Claremont Parsons Charles M 43 - - Claremont
1909/1600114 Claremont Hill Frank M 67 Bridget MCMAHON Michael HILL Claremont
1909/1600115 Claremont Briggs William M 87 Ruth READ William BRIGGS Claremont
1909/1600116 Claremont Phillips Frederick Charles M 70 UNKNOWN Thomas PHILLIPS Claremont
1909/1600117 Claremont Byrne John M 60 Mary UNKNOWN John BYRNE Claremont
1909/1600118 Claremont Richardson Sarah Ann F 63 UNKNOWN Ralph WILDE Claremont
1909/1600119 Claremont Gilpin Thomas M 69 Elizabeth WILSON Henry GILPIN Claremont
1909/1600120 Claremont Law Anna F 73 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600121 Claremont Mann Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel Mary HELSIN Frederick MANN Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600122 Claremont O'Neile Theopholus M 63 Margaret NEILY Theopholus O'NEILE Claremont
1909/1600123 Claremont McIntyre John M 80 Mary MCINNIS John MCINTYRE Claremont
1909/1600124 Claremont Burrows Emma F 54 UNKNOWN Frederick STANLEY Claremont
1909/1600125 Claremont Van Veen Hendrikus M 50 UNKNOWN Hendrikus VAN VEEN Claremont
1909/1600126 Claremont Ryton Ronny Robert M 7 weeks Alice Emily EDMUNDS Ernest William RYTON Cottesloe
1909/1600127 Claremont McIlwraith John Ivie M 49 Elizabeth MCCLACKEN Ivie MCILWRAITH Claremont
1909/1600128 Claremont Stuart James M 70 Margaret SCOTT Donald STUART Claremont
1909/1600129 Claremont Riley Michael M 78 Mary MURTHAGH Thomas RILEY Claremont
1909/1600130 Claremont McKenzie James Brewster M 54 Emma UNKNOWN Unknown MCKENZIE Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600131 Claremont Clifford William M 72 Ann WILSON John CLIFFORD Claremont
1909/1600132 Claremont In-ah-Chia - M 42 - - Claremont
1909/1600133 Claremont Dalgleish David Henry M 44 UNKNOWN John DALGLEISH Claremont
1909/1600134 Claremont Howlett Rebecca F 74 Elizabeth CROFT Charles HOWLETT Buckland Hill
1909/1600135 Claremont Furnie William M 33 - - Claremont
1909/1600136 Claremont Fiddes Fred M 40 - - Claremont
1909/1600137 Claremont Pengelly William M 68 Eliza BOWDEN William PENGELLY Claremont
1909/1600138 Claremont Foote Alexander M 43 UNKNOWN James FOOTE Claremont
1909/1600139 Claremont Mason Unnamed F Not born alive Dora MCLOUGHLIN Frederick MASON Claremont
1909/1600140 Claremont Traeger Johanna Christiana F 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600141 Claremont Fuller John M 39 Mary Martha MCKIPBON William FULLER Claremont
1909/1600142 Claremont Whitworth Nelson M 37 Ann HAWARTH John WHITWORTH Claremont
1909/1600143 Claremont Mason Francis M 75 Anne UNKNOWN Thomas MASON Claremont
1909/1600144 Claremont Rowe Charles M 55 Catherine BATHO John ROWE Claremont
1909/1600145 Claremont Stott Unnamed F Not born alive Marion MARTIN Edwin Charles STOTT Claremont
1909/1600146 Claremont Fraser William M 61 Mary GREGOR William FRASER Claremont
1909/1600147 Claremont Lithgow James M 78 Isabella MCCOLLISTER James LITHGOW Claremont
1909/1600148 Claremont Armstrong Henry M 57 Jane BENJAMINE William ARMSTRONG Claremont
1909/1600149 Claremont Burnett Elizabeth F 49 - - Claremont
1909/1600150 Claremont Cannering - F 45 - - Claremont
1909/1600151 Claremont Quirk Maurice M 56 Mary SHEA Michael QUIRK Claremont
1909/1600152 Claremont Law Dora Mary Maxwell F 7 months Dora Jessie SKINNER John Harold Maxwell LAW Claremont
1909/1600153 Claremont Sullivan John M 67 Catherine COSTELLO Timothy SULLIVAN Claremont
1909/1600154 Claremont McMillan Thomas William M 50 Mary HENNING Thomas MCMILLAN Claremont
1909/1600155 Claremont Lyon Bertie Harold M 34 Annie LUCAS John McMurray LYON Claremont
1909/1600156 Claremont Stockdale William M 45 Mary LAIDLAW Benjamin STOCKDALE Cottesloe
1909/1600157 Claremont Sims Elizabeth Hommell F 42 UNKNOWN William NICHOLSON Claremont
1909/1600158 Claremont Maudie - F 20 - - Claremont
1909/1600159 Claremont Rogers Elizabeth Ann F 23 Jane STEWART Joseph BLIGHT Claremont
1909/1600160 Claremont Rooney Maud Isabel F 34 Julia JOHNSTON William George COLLINGS Claremont
1909/1600161 Claremont Langham Bertha Langer F 47 Bertha LANGER John JEWELL Cottesloe Beach
1909/1600162 Claremont Taylor Arthur Robert M 71 Ann MOORE Unknown TAYLOR Cottesloe
1909/1600163 Claremont Keenan Anne F 47 UNKNOWN Patrick KEENAN Claremont
1909/1600164 Claremont McCallum Lachlan McLean M 31 Sarah Mercy POOLE Duncan MCCALLUM Claremont
1909/1600165 Claremont Flannigan Thomas M 75 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1909/1600166 Claremont Cox John M 77 - - Claremont
1909/1600167 Claremont Bain John Gordon M 73 Elspet FORSYTHE John BAIN Claremont
1909/1600168 Claremont Balmain John M 78 Jane NEVEN John BALMAIN Claremont
1909/1600169 Claremont Frost Thomas M 77 Lidia MCNESS James FROST Claremont
1909/1600170 Claremont Smith William M 76 Chris JORDAN Thomas SMITH Claremont
1909/1600171 Claremont Bonazzi Bartalaro M 62 Madeline CORUSIA Bartalaro BONAZZI Claremont
1909/1600172 Claremont Nicol William M 35 UNKNOWN William NICOL Claremont
1909/1600173 Claremont Key Frank M 49 Mary Ann CUNNINGHAM Thomas KEY Claremont
1909/1600174 Claremont McCarthy John M 72 Mary TERNAY Michael MCCARTHY Claremont
1909/1600175 Claremont Thornton Isabella F 35 - - Claremont
1909/1600176 Claremont McDonald Annie F 80 - - Claremont
1909/1600177 Claremont Mare John Matthew Thomas M 56 UNKNOWN Charles Peter MARE Cottesloe
1909/1600178 Claremont Finch Emily Jane F 69 - - Claremont
1909/1600179 Claremont Bounds Julia F 72 - - Claremont
1909/1600180 Claremont Sayers William M 91 - - Claremont
1909/1600181 Claremont