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Deaths in: 1892

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Gender Age Father Death place Wikidata WikiTree
1893/1 - Bartlett Annie F 7 - - Perth
1892/1 - Scanlan Harold Aloysius Raphael M 7 months - - Perth
1892/2 - White Rose Bertha F 13 months - - Perth
1893/3 - Barr Betsey Victoria May F 7 months - - Perth
1892/3 - Fitzgerald Alfred Hall M 1 month - - Perth
1892/4 - Smith John M 30 - - Perth
1893/4 - Chipper Maria Sophia F 58 - - Perth
1892/5 - Dyson Ethel May F 1 hour - - Perth
1893/5 - Avery Daniel James M 43 - - Perth
1892/6 - Capewell Lydia F 68 - - Perth
1892/7 - Houlihan Francis John M 23 - - Perth
1892/8 - Parker Alice Amelia F 8 months - - Perth
1892/9 - Eversden Ann F 72 - - South Perth
1892/10 - Mills William Anderson M 9 weeks - - Perth
1892/11 - Walker Catherine Ann F 9 months - - Perth
1892/12 - Eyles Henry M 8 months - - Perth
1892/13 - Freeze James M 68 - - Perth
1892/14 - Copley Frank M 2 months - - Perth
1892/15 - Faulkner William M 28 - - Perth
1892/16 - Hughes William M 2 days - - Perth
1892/17 - Hayson Herbert Charles M 6 months - - Perth
1892/18 - Major Emily Mary F 34 - - Perth
1892/19 - Major John M 53 - - Perth
1892/22 - Corniack Kate F 67 - - Perth
1892/23 - Yardley William M 67 - - Perth
1892/24 - Sidney Alfred M 10 months - - Perth
1892/25 - Cameron Hugh M 59 - - Perth
1892/26 - Smith Harold M 7 months - - North Fremantle
1893/26 - Sutherland Martin M 21 - - Guelup Lake
1893/27 - Matthews Frederick M 65 - - Perth
1892/27 - Tyler Stanley John M 10 months - - Beaconsfield
1893/28 - Gower James M 60 - - Perth
1892/28 - Howson Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/29 - Ellis George M 65 - - Fremantle
1892/30 - Turner Elizabeth May F 8 months - - Fremantle
1892/31 - Warburton May F 11 weeks - - Fremantle
1892/32 - Bell Ellen F 4 months - - Fremantle
1893/32 - Phillips William M 60 - - Canning
1892/33 - Pierce Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/34 - Gadd Moses M 23 - - Bull's Creek
1892/35 - Jones Thomas M 68 - - Fremantle
1892/36 - Rintoul John M 35 - - Fremantle
1892/37 - Bradshaw Thomas M 81 - - Fremantle
1892/38 - Law Samuel M 65 - - Fremantle
1892/39 - Hammond Guy Reginald M 12 - - Fremantle
1892/40 - Briggs Robert M 65 - - Bibra Lake
1892/41 - McCarthy Percival Leo M 5 weeks - - Fremantle
1893/41 - Morriana - M 22 - - Wyndham
1892/42 - Clough Jane Thomas F 3 months - - Fremantle
1893/42 - Tonolu - M 50 - - Wyndham Gaol
1893/43 - Padigan - M 60 - - Wyndham Gaol
1892/43 - Gillmore Mary Ann F 82 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/44 - O'Neil Terence Michael M 2 - - Upper Swan
1893/44 - Woolhouse Whilemena Grace F 11 months - - Onslow
1893/45 - Woolhouse Charles William M 4 - - Ashburton
1892/45 - Fowle George M 42 - - Guildford
1893/46 - McRae Arthur John M 1 - - At Sea between the Soletary Island and Baningarra Island
1892/46 - Jones Estella Elizabeth F 4 - - WA
1893/47 - Ah Chin - M 32 - - At Sea off Ninety Mile beach
1892/47 - Osborne Charles Herbert M 5 weeks - - Guildford
1893/48 - Poutt William Henry M 42 - - Roebourne
1892/48 - Hyde E Ellen W F 3 - - Guildford
1893/49 - Warburton Philip M 35 - - Coongan Goldfields
1892/50 - Cook George M 12 months - - Dundarragan
1893/50 - Coffen Frances Mary F 5 hours - - Roebourne
1893/51 - Vincent Alfred M 37 - - Fortescue
1892/52 - O'Keefe William M 18 - - Albany
1893/52 - Pavilla Kilaso M 19 - - At Sea off Turtle Island
1893/53 - Hawk John M 69 - - Nullagine
1892/53 - Wood Ann F 26 - - Albany
1892/54 - Lidlow Hilda May F 6 weeks - - Albany
1893/54 - Ah Ling - M 31 - - Port Broome
1892/55 - Smith Robert Muir M 7 weeks - - Torbay
1893/55 - Gomas Anastio M 25 - - Drowned off Admial Bay
1892/56 - Martin Elizabeth Mary F 43 - - Albany
1893/56 - Anderson William M 41 - - Roebuck Bay
1892/57 - Stuckey Dorothea F 18 months - - Albany
1893/57 - Keen Anthony Rowden M 56 - - Wagin Lake
1893/58 - Stevenson Godfrey M 24 - - Carnarvon
1892/61 - Dewar Elizabeth F 69 - - Near Geraldton
1892/62 - Whitehurst Rachel Elizabeth F 3 - - Near Geraldton
1892/63 - Durant Chas Albert M 4 - - Narra Tarra Mines
1893/63 - McGovern Mary M 2 minutes - - Albany
1892/64 - Webber Joseph M 2 - - Near Geraldton
1892/65 - Tracey John M 18 - - Geraldton
1892/67 - Mills Elizabeth F 69 - - York
1892/68 - Hillman Eva Mary F 10 months - - York
1892/69 - May Annie F 7 months - - Grigsons Well
1892/70 - Bethel Rose Mary Brown F 1 month - - York
1892/71 - Kant Margaret F 71 - - Bunbury
1892/72 - Blythe Edward M 6 hours - - Near Bunbury
1893/72 - Harty - M 1 month - - Geraldton
1892/73 - McCombie Beatric F 3 - - Newcastle
1892/74 - McCombie Eliza Britnell F 6 - - Newcastle
1892/75 - Donegan Douglas William M 14 hours - - Toodyay
1892/76 - Ralph Albert Edward M 3 days - - Toodyay
1892/77 - Lucas Emily Agness F 18 days - - Toodyay
1892/79 - Coe Edward M 66 - - Bunbury Hospital
1892/80 - Anderson Bernard M minutes - - WA
1892/81 - Melbourne John M 85 - - Guildford
1892/82 - Young John Benjamin M 2 - - Guildford
1892/83 - Summers Matilda Jane F 19 - - Guildford
1892/84 - Young Ralph Henry M 6 months - - West Guildford
1892/85 - Richardson James Gavin M 3 weeks - - Fremantle
1892/86 - Edwards Constance Nina F 7 months - - Fremantle
1892/87 - O'Byrne Nicoletta F 77 - - Fremantle
1893/88 - Allison Thomas M 52 - - Fremantle Prison
1892/88 - Hardy Henry W M 47 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/89 - Johnston Joseph M 78 - - Fremantle
1892/90 - Healy Ellen Teresa F 29 - - Fremantle
1892/91 - Robinson Georgina Clarence F 5 months - - Fremantle
1892/92 - Box William M 2 months - - Fremantle
1892/93 - Caple Elizabeth F 75 - - Fremantle
1892/94 - Blick Charles C M 10 months - - Fremantle
1892/95 - Olsen Charlotte M F 5 months - - Fremantle
1892/96 - Oaten Joseph M 4 months - - Fremantle
1892/97 - Be Batte M 35 - - Fremantle Quarantine Station on board the Annie Lisle
1892/99 - Daniels Allen Augustus M 1 - - Northam
1892/100 - Byfield Frederick John Harold M 9 - - Northam
1892/101 - Pickett James M 8 days - - Beverley
1892/102 - Emery Jane F 35 - - Beverley
1892/103 - Flood Margaret F 25 - - Mourambine
1892/104 - Kerr James M 66 - - Cubbine
1892/105 - Davey Henry M Unknown - - York
1893/105 - Larsen Unnamed F Not born alive - - Kojonup
1892/106 - Moate Rosannah F 55 - - York
1892/107 - Crogan Joseph M 9 - - York
1892/108 - Gardiner Walter M 63 - - York Hospital
1892/109 - Toomey Catherine F 6 months - - York
1892/110 - McCombie Samuel Anderson M 8 - - Newcastle
1892/111 - Eichbaum Langton Hesschill Atkinson M 3 - - Newcastle
1892/112 - Shea Johana F 75 - - Toodyay
1892/113 - Barnett John M 69 - - Albany
1892/114 - Hinds Margaret F 43 - - Albany
1892/115 - Blay Henry Hubert M 10 months - - Albany
1892/116 - Plumridge Edward Henry M 18 months - - Albany
1892/117 - Rodareda Cecil Alphonso Jerome M 8 months - - Albany
1892/118 - Donoghue Alexander Miller M 12 months - - Albany
1892/121 - Bradbury Mary Jane F 15 - - Whotemin
1892/122 - Quinn Elizabeth Ann F 10 months - - Geeraling
1892/123 - Dearle Frederick M 2 months - - Kojonup
1892/124 - Connolly Mary F 78 - - Greenough
1892/125 - Snowdon Elizabeth Harriet F 64 - - Geraldton
1892/126 - Baxter Charles William M 54 - - Geraldton
1892/128 - Bennie Thomas M 23 - - Geraldton
1892/129 - Campbell Alice F 25 - - Geraldton
1892/131 - Weaver Arthur Frederick M 9 months - - Perth
1892/132 - Williams John Charles M 54 - - Perth
1892/133 - Goldsworthy Kate F 11 months - - Perth
1892/134 - Pravet Adrian M 32 - - Perth
1892/135 - Turner James M 30 - - Perth
1892/136 - Brown Alexander M 16 - - Perth
1892/137 - Steele Joseph B M 55 - - Perth
1892/138 - Lindley Grace F 2 months - - Perth
1892/139 - McHenry Mary F 7 months - - South Perth
1892/140 - Varian John James M 7 days - - Perth
1892/141 - Duncan Lionel M 14 - - Near Perth
1893/141 - MacPherson Mary Johannah F 1 - - Toodyay
1892/142 - Windle Eliza F 34 - - Canning
1893/142 - Hannah James M 58 - - Newcastle
1892/143 - Cohen Charles M 1 - - Perth
1892/144 - Smith Louisa Edith May F 7 months - - Perth
1892/145 - Walker Arthur M 38 - - Perth
1892/146 - Joyce John M 76 - - Perth
1892/147 - Mountain James M 71 - - Perth
1892/148 - Snowball William John M 9 - - Perth
1892/149 - Pickett William M 10 days - - Perth
1892/150 - Cole Amy Gertrude F 6 months - - Perth
1892/151 - Biggs Joseph M 48 - - District of Swan
1892/152 - Hillyer Leslie John M 3 months - - Blackwood
1892/153 - Best Francis M 71 - - Bridgetown
1892/154 - McCaffrey John M 36 - - Vic Plains
1892/155 - White Maria F 72 - - Northampton
1892/156 - Lucas Matilda Blanch F 2 - - Northampton
1892/157 - Dickson Bidellia F 64 - - Donelly R
1892/158 - Wass George Thomas M 4 - - Dongarra
1892/159 - Annie - M 40 - - Dongarra
1892/160 - Bourke Thomas M 70 - - Near Yandenooka
1892/161 - Gray David Ayliffe M 30 - - Southern Cross
1892/162 - Luyer Percy Lennard M 11 months - - West Kimberly
1892/164 - Layman George Wallace M 32 - - Blackwood
1892/165 - Williams Eva Melinda F 2 - - Northampton
1892/166 - Dromey Vivian Nicholas M 10 months - - Perth
1892/167 - King Hilda Mary F 10 months - - Perth
1892/168 - Smith May Queen L F 8 months - - Perth
1892/169 - Johnston Gertrude Frances F 4 months - - Perth
1892/170 - Andrew Amy Madge F 4 months - - Perth
1892/171 - Duncan Robert M 37 - - Perth
1892/172 - Hampson Margaret Ann F 3 weeks - - Perth
1893/173 - Matthews Richard M 45 - - Upper Murchison
1892/173 - Dalby Robert M 21 - - Perth
1892/174 - Mann Charles M 20 - - Perth
1893/174 - Masi Taki M 27 - - Broome
1892/175 - Downs David M 53 - - Perth
1892/176 - Purkis George M 26 - - Perth
1892/177 - Taguer Margaret F 45 - - Perth
1892/178 - Smith John Joseph M 46 - - Perth
1892/179 - Bockelmann Edward Ernst M 9 months - - Perth
1892/180 - Smith Isaac M 81 - - Perth
1892/181 - Hanson Christina Henrietta F 4 weeks - - Perth
1892/182 - Parry Theodore M 11 - - In the Swan River
1892/183 - Wittenoom Robert Mace M 10 - - Swan
1892/184 - Wolff David M 9 months - - Perth
1892/185 - Gardner Mary F 46 - - Perth
1892/186 - Wilson Thomas M 56 - - Perth
1892/187 - Madden John M 35 - - Fremantle
1892/188 - Heads Basil M 2 months - - Fremantle
1892/189 - Nugent Patrick M 9 months - - Fremantle
1892/190 - Waterland Nellie F 8 weeks - - Fremantle
1892/191 - Flowrence Maud F 7 months - - Fremantle
1892/192 - Albert Henry M 72 - - Fremantle
1892/193 - Cook Angeletta F 1 - - Fremantle
1892/194 - Evans Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/195 - Mungezong - M 50 - - Rottnest Prison
1892/196 - Barrett Mary W F 25 - - Fremantle
1892/197 - Whittingham Anne Eliza F 52 - - Fremantle
1892/198 - McNamara Thomas Minorgan M 5 months - - Fremantle
1892/199 - Soaper Stephen Hale M 6 months - - North Fremantle
1892/200 - Williams John Frederick M 13 days - - Richmond
1892/201 - Crake John Frederick M 3 months - - Fremantle
1892/202 - Giblin William M 15 months - - Fremantle
1892/203 - Hanham Ada Laura F 1 - - Fremantle
1892/204 - Ramsey Thomas M 31 - - At Sea on board the SS Crown of England
1892/205 - Graham Thomas M 30 - - At Sea on board the SS Crown of England
1892/206 - McKay Donald Percy M 9 - - Glenisld
1892/207 - Tonkin Mary F 54 - - Serpentine
1892/208 - Smith Henry Michael M 1 month - - York
1892/209 - Turner James M 12 hours - - Gingin
1892/210 - Smith Olive Ann Corston F 9 weeks - - Torbay
1892/211 - Keyser Walter M 2 months - - Albany
1892/212 - Butcher Charles Frederick M 5 months - - Albany
1892/213 - Moir Frederick M 33 - - Albany
1892/214 - Stuckey Mabel Alma F 5 - - Albany
1892/215 - Finlay Thomas Patrick M 3 months - - Albany
1892/216 - Quigley Margretta F hours - - Katanning
1892/217 - Biddle Emma F 26 - - Northam
1892/219 - Melbin John M 17 - - Northam
1892/220 - Picton Catherine F 56 - - Geraldton
1892/221 - Kinnane John M Unknown - - Geraldton
1892/222 - Mottram Henry M 70 - - Swan
1892/223 - Strahan Preston M 13 months - - Guildford
1892/224 - Sweeney Olive Elizabeth F 9 months - - Canning Mills
1892/225 - Johnson Rose Jane F 2 months - - Blackwood
1892/227 - Ryan Herbert Cecil M 15 months - - Northampton
1892/228 - Heuston Benjamin Tydd M 43 - - West Kimberley
1892/229 - Peel Adelaide Frances F 36 hours - - Canning Saw Mill's
1892/230 - Connolly Leo Joseph Henry M 1 - - Canning
1893/230 - Pead Alfred M 56 - - Murchison or Gascoyne Goldfield
1892/231 - Chatworthy Charles Dean M 14 months - - Smith's Mills
1892/232 - Meyhew Olivia F 59 - - Newcastle
1892/233 - Moore Alfred M 60 - - Bunbury
1892/234 - Jones George M 27 - - Gullawa
1892/235 - Chakimara Henry M 13 months - - New Norcia
1892/236 - Longman Ellen F 31 - - Vict Plains
1892/237 - Hunt William M 56 - - Victoria Plains
1892/238 - Holmes Frank George M 15 days - - Vic Plains
1892/239 - Yapo Mary F 36 - - New Norcia
1892/240 - Monger John Henry M 60 - - York
1892/241 - Neuhaus Charlotte F 4 days - - York
1892/242 - Daniels Robert M 26 - - River Swan
1892/243 - White Arthur M 21 - - Perth
1892/244 - Fewings Henry Marshall M 1 - - Perth
1892/245 - Sparks Wilfrid Edward Abner M 5 months - - Perth
1892/246 - Smith Alfred M 52 - - Perth
1892/247 - Hayes Charles M 22 - - Perth
1892/248 - Fiegensohn Hayman M 22 - - Perth
1892/249 - Joyce Annie Maria F 31 - - Perth
1892/250 - Sheen Ada F 9 weeks - - Perth
1892/251 - Johnson Florence May F 10 months - - Perth
1892/252 - Gin Min M 37 - - Perth
1892/253 - Calder John Lewis M 18 - - Perth
1892/254 - Denny John Thomas M 55 - - Perth
1892/255 - Davis Harriet F 25 - - Perth
1892/256 - Milford Henry M 52 - - Perth
1892/257 - O'Brien Dennis M 51 - - Perth
1892/258 - Pratt Francis M 11 weeks - - Perth
1892/259 - Peel Thomas M 67 - - Perth
1892/260 - Barnett Lizzie F 14 weeks - - Perth
1892/261 - Munroe William Archibald M 3 months - - Perth
1892/262 - Holland Sarah F 10 days - - Perth
1892/263 - Caporn Frederick William Clare M 3 weeks - - Perth
1892/264 - Shurman Richard Thomas M 11 weeks - - Perth
1893/265 - Spurling Selby Jeremiah M 55 - - Roebourne
1892/265 - James Sylvia Veronica F 7 - - Perth
1893/266 - Shortis Michael M 30 - - Marble Bar
1892/266 - Macpherson John M 3 days - - Perth
1892/267 - Lowden William Harry M 22 - - Perth
1892/268 - Richardson George M 80 - - Perth
1892/269 - Rasmussen Neil Spawl M 3 months - - Perth
1892/270 - Bell Charles Hector M 77 - - Perth
1892/271 - Houlighan William Joseph M 19 - - Perth
1892/272 - Bailey Margaret F 40 - - Perth
1892/273 - Pratt Richard M 21 - - Perth
1892/274 - Dougall Joseph M 71 - - Perth
1892/275 - Alldridge John M 60 - - Perth
1892/276 - O'Byrne Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/277 - Kenny Michael M 70 - - Fremantle
1892/278 - Mahoney Timothy M 74 - - Fremantle
1892/279 - Ball Eva Florence F 7 months - - Fremantle
1892/280 - Cockshott Henry M 69 - - Fremantle
1892/281 - Kennedy Michael M 71 - - Fremantle
1892/282 - Tomlinson Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/283 - Innes Margaret F 28 - - Fremantle
1892/284 - Wright Henry M 32 - - Fremantle
1892/285 - Skaife Martha Woodhead F 66 - - Fremantle
1892/286 - Stevenson Eva F 3 months - - Fremantle
1892/287 - Newman Madge F 5 months - - Fremantle
1892/288 - Johnson Thomas M 34 - - Fremantle
1892/289 - Butchart Catherine F 39 - - North Fremantle
1892/290 - Matheson Mary F 29 - - Fremantle
1892/291 - Hull Margaret Winifred F 4 months - - Fremantle
1892/292 - Windawara - M 45 - - Rottnest Island
1892/293 - Omond Christopher M 20 months - - Albany
1892/294 - Page James Thomas M 5 months - - Albany
1892/295 - Iffla Frank Olief M 6 months - - Albany
1892/296 - Sherwood Robert M 19 months - - Albany
1892/297 - Ogg William Taylor M 11 - - Albany
1892/298 - Lynch Michael M 45 - - Northam
1892/299 - Lee Henry M 59 - - Northam
1892/300 - James Charles Edward M 8 months - - Cubballing Pool
1892/301 - Hughes George M 54 - - Williams Hospital
1892/302 - Dinsdale John William M 2 - - York
1892/303 - Hasman James M 62 - - York Hospil
1892/304 - Hill Edward M 23 - - Bunbury
1892/305 - Murphy John M 40 - - Bunbury Hospital
1892/306 - Thompson James M 30 minutes - - Bindoon
1892/307 - Biggs Thomas Henry M 13 - - Bindoon
1892/308 - Conner Alice May F 2 - - Gingin
1892/309 - Hunt Clara Ann F 8 months - - Guildford
1892/310 - Barker Edmund John M 4 months - - Guildford
1892/311 - Madigan Mary F 7 months - - Guildford
1892/312 - Haddrill Laura May F 2 months - - Middle Swan
1892/313 - Mitchell James M 46 - - Northampton
1892/314 - O'Donnell Unnamed F Not born alive - - Narra Tarra
1892/315 - Linthorne Myrtle Minnie F 14 months - - Dongarra
1892/316 - Watson Charles M 23 - - Strawberry
1892/317 - Evans Henry M 77 - - Gullaway
1892/318 - Thoms John L M 40 - - Upper Irwin
1892/319 - Dee William M 28 - - Dongarra
1892/320 - Troy Patrick Thomas M 2 months - - Geraldton
1892/321 - Tetlow Sampson M 46 - - Geraldton
1892/322 - Trew James M 26 - - Geraldton
1892/323 - Blayney David M 3 months - - Near Geraldton
1892/324 - Hackett Joseph M 3 - - Murchison
1892/325 - Walstrom Frank M 32 - - Geraldton
1892/326 - Ryan Patrick Michael M 33 - - Murchison
1892/327 - Alyward John M 24 - - Geraldton
1892/328 - Sullivan Daniel M 30 - - Murchison
1892/329 - Connolly Patrick M 50 - - Murchison
1892/330 - Casey Patrick M 25 - - Geraldton
1892/331 - Donaghue James M 25 - - Geraldton
1892/332 - Johnson John M 73 - - Near Geraldton
1892/333 - Isaacs Mary Rutherford F 2 months - - Quindalup
1892/334 - Harley Unnamed F Not born alive - - Tarwanga
1892/335 - Osman William Henry M 10 months - - Narrogin
1892/336 - Maddox William M 54 - - Narrogin
1892/337 - Bransby Benjiaman Edward M 13 months - - North East
1892/338 - Kern Rhoda May F 7 - - Broome Hill
1892/339 - Stevens James M 72 - - Canning
1892/340 - Costello William M 73 - - Perth
1892/341 - Watson Mary Ann F 76 - - Perth
1892/342 - Wynne Caroline F 31 - - Perth
1892/343 - Quie Sin M 35 - - Perth
1892/344 - McGrath John M 54 - - Perth
1892/345 - Davies William George M 29 - - Perth
1892/346 - Godwin George Thomas M 3 months - - Perth
1892/347 - Walker Lily May F 3 months - - Perth
1892/348 - Harris Maria F 22 - - Perth
1892/349 - Williams John M 10 weeks - - Perth
1892/350 - Ward Lilian Susan F 17 months - - Perth
1892/351 - Postgate Ruth Priscilla F 8 months - - Perth
1892/352 - Ryan Michael M 58 - - Perth
1892/353 - Tomlinson Wallace M 19 - - Perth
1892/354 - Clifton Donald Archibald M 1 - - Perth
1892/355 - Burns Robert M 37 - - Perth
1892/356 - Vickery Henry M 90 - - Perth
1892/357 - Late Edward M 66 - - Perth
1892/358 - Delaney William M 24 - - Perth
1892/359 - McKinnon Jane Agnes Mary F 3 months - - Perth
1892/360 - Oxley William M 66 - - Perth
1892/362 - Elmes Charles M 76 - - Perth
1892/363 - Fairbairn Jonathon M 75 - - Perth
1892/364 - Hubble Amelia Johanna F 29 - - Fremantle
1892/365 - Holmes Maria F 57 - - Fremantle
1892/366 - Vincent Gertrude F 4 months - - Fremantle
1892/367 - Fitzpatrick Joseph M 24 hours - - Fremantle
1892/368 - Armstrong Margaret Catherine F 34 - - Fremantle
1892/369 - Sharpe Ada M F 11 months - - Fremantle
1892/370 - Hammond Joseph James M 10 days - - Fremantle
1892/371 - Leighton Margaret F 69 - - Fremantle
1892/372 - Taylor Mary F 74 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/373 - Sundelands - M 58 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/374 - Moore Arthur M 64 - - Fremantle Invalid Depot
1892/375 - Walton Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/376 - Tickle Bessie F 4 - - Fremantle
1892/377 - Hills Harriet F 35 - - Fremantle
1892/378 - Costigan Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/379 - Chi Sin Cho M 32 - - Fremantle
1892/380 - Nyee Lyee M 27 - - Fremantle
1892/381 - Luonik Young M 25 - - Fremantle
1892/382 - Fong Chew M 21 - - Fremantle
1892/383 - Tatton George A M 8 months - - Fremantle
1892/384 - Robinson Frank W M 35 - - Fremantle
1892/385 - Schriete Christian M 47 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/386 - Rankin Estella F 3 - - Fremantle
1892/387 - Cole Ethel F 16 months - - Guildford
1892/388 - Gey Albert M 29 - - Canning Mills
1892/389 - Savage Thomas Wall M 9 months - - Guildford
1892/390 - Moore Eva F 9 months - - Guildford
1892/391 - Spice Sarah F 27 - - Guildford
1892/392 - O'Mara Cecil Francis M 4 weeks - - Guildford
1892/393 - Harris Harold Leslie M 1 - - Northam
1892/394 - Gale Mary F 59 - - Northam
1892/395 - Duval Amelia F 56 - - Northam
1892/396 - McMaster Margaret F 13 - - Northam
1892/397 - Lee Albert M 2 - - Toodyay
1892/398 - Walker George M 83 - - Newcastle
1892/399 - Viveash Mary F 2 days - - Toodyay
1892/400 - Shaw James M 20 - - York District
1892/401 - Wylde Alexander Alfred M 2 months - - York
1892/402 - Jones William M 50 - - York Hospital
1892/403 - Draper Albert Clarance M 12 - - Beverley
1892/404 - Box Catherine Lavinia F 17 months - - Beverley
1892/405 - Jackson Lilly F 3 - - WA
1892/406 - Norman Unnamed M Not born alive - - Karridale
1892/407 - Pries Leonard Frederick M 24 - - Busselton
1892/408 - Willigen Alfred M 16 months - - New Norcia
1892/409 - Lineane Elizebath Mary F 1 - - Victoria Plains
1892/410 - Bosworth Sarah F 44 - - Albany
1892/411 - Lawson Charles M 2 days - - Albany
1892/412 - Johnson William M 53 - - Albany
1892/413 - Jackson Eileen Mary Angela F 3 weeks - - Albany
1892/414 - Gray Mabel F 6 months - - Albany
1892/415 - Phipps Basil Vernon Fleming M 4 months - - Albany
1892/416 - Parsons Ann F 20 - - Albany
1892/417 - Pettit George M 70 - - Albany
1892/418 - Hinds John M 18 - - Albany
1892/419 - Ritchie Matthew M 62 - - Greenough
1892/420 - Clark Sendine F 1 hour - - Geraldton Hospital
1892/421 - McDermott James M 28 - - Greenough
1892/422 - Nassim - M 20 - - Geraldton
1892/423 - Heath Thomas M Unknown - - Murchison
1892/424 - Logan Hugh C M 24 - - Murchison
1892/425 - Rhodan Michael M 32 - - Geraldton
1892/426 - Best Henry M 35 - - Geraldton
1892/427 - Briscoe William M 32 - - Geraldton
1892/428 - Jones Mary Caroline F 20 - - Geraldton
1892/429 - Wells Herbert Leslie M 1 - - Geraldton
1892/430 - Saunders Joseph M 22 - - Geraldton
1892/431 - Christy James M 52 - - Geraldton
1892/432 - Cotter Alfred M 51 - - Geraldton
1892/433 - Eastough William Charles M 8 months - - Geraldton
1893/434 - Croaker H E M 27 - - West Kimberley
1892/434 - Hoadly John M 59 - - Geraldton
1892/435 - Crockett George M 3 months - - Geraldton
1892/437 - Rouse Henry M 62 - - Roebourne
1892/439 - McMullan James M 55 - - Nullagine Goldfields
1892/440 - Williams Thomas M 63 - - Coongan River
1892/441 - Woolhouse Norman William M 3 months - - Yarraloola Station
1892/442 - Greene Mary Phoebe F 49 - - Cossack
1892/443 - Bishop John Henry M 24 - - Roebourne
1892/444 - Giles John James M 28 - - Roebourne
1892/445 - Hackett Grace F 3 months - - Roebourne
1892/446 - King Margaret F 40 - - Roebourne
1892/447 - Bryan John M 70 - - Roebourne
1892/448 - Sharpe Charles M 65 - - Rocky Pool
1892/449 - Hertnan Ann F 88 - - Near Bunbury
1892/450 - Stanley Henry St John M 5 - - Brookhampton
1892/451 - Lyons Alice F 91 - - Brunswick
1892/452 - Bailey Archibald Philip M 28 - - Eastward
1892/453 - Stone Unnamed F 1 day - - Upper Irwin
1892/454 - Russell A M 28 - - On train between Mingenew and Dongarra
1892/455 - Ridley Gladys May F 7 days - - Northampton
1892/456 - Williams Cornelius Leslie Chrs M 1 - - Northampton
1892/457 - Houlihan Violet Muriel Neelands F 7 months - - Perth
1892/458 - Jacob Arnold Paul M 10 days - - Narrogin GSR
1892/459 - Larcombe Maria F 54 - - Nunegin
1892/460 - Smith John M 22 - - Perth
1892/461 - Livingstone Benjamin M Unknown - - Perth
1892/462 - Lloyd James M 59 - - Perth
1892/463 - Hall Thomas M 58 - - Perth
1892/464 - Woolley Walter Henry Warburton M 20 - - Perth
1892/465 - Peterkin John M 40 - - Perth
1892/466 - Adkinson William M 55 - - Perth
1892/467 - Simpson Emily Jane F 22 - - Perth
1892/468 - Dolton Rose Anne F 85 - - Perth
1892/469 - Wilkins Bridget F 6 days - - Perth
1892/470 - Baker Ann F 51 - - Perth
1892/471 - Kerr Edith F 3 months - - Perth
1892/472 - Pearce Michael M 72 - - Perth
1892/473 - McKenna Catherine F 13 days - - Perth
1892/474 - Foster Charles William M 6 months - - Perth
1892/475 - Donohoe Margaret F 3 months - - Perth
1892/476 - Smith Bernard M 77 - - Perth
1892/477 - Reedy Unnamed M Not born alive - - Perth
1892/478 - Thomas Brenchley M 7 months - - Beaconsfield
1892/479 - Cook Henry M 75 - - Fremantle
1892/480 - Stenton William David M 25 - - Fremantle
1892/481 - McNeece Jack M 2 - - Fremantle
1892/482 - Rayner William M 20 - - Beaconsfield
1892/483 - Duffield Ethel May F 2 - - Fremantle
1892/484 - Ker James M 24 - - Fremantle
1892/485 - Waters Ethel Grace F 2 - - Fremantle
1892/486 - Stotter Unnamed F Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/487 - Hodges Emily C F 3 - - Beaconsfield
1892/488 - Rose Mary Mabel F 5 months - - North Fremantle
1892/489 - Ennor Mary F 68 - - Chesterfield
1892/490 - Richardson William M 61 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/491 - Wilks Henry M 56 - - Fremantle
1892/492 - Mazaud Chrstine Josephine Perpetue F 30 - - "On SS ""Oceanien"" at Sea"
1892/493 - Munday Catherine F 45 - - Albany
1892/494 - McClements James M 11 - - York Hospital
1892/495 - Nolan Eva Mary F 3 days - - Albany
1892/496 - Davis Bridget F 50 - - York
1892/497 - Dickerson Samuel M 56 - - York
1892/498 - Kindelan John M 57 - - York
1892/499 - Barton William M 22 - - Bunbury Hospital
1892/500 - Delaporte Isabella F 17 - - Near Bunbury
1892/501 - Crockett Jane F 27 - - Geraldton
1892/503 - Sherlock Robert M 48 - - Geraldton
1892/504 - Adlam Nina F 1 hour - - Geraldton
1892/505 - Carwardine Gertrude Minnie Mossvail F 3 months - - Geraldton
1892/506 - Perry Benjamin M 24 - - Geraldton
1892/507 - Barry John M 63 - - Geraldton
1892/508 - Spice Sydney Claude M 13 days - - Chittering
1892/509 - Harris Mary F 56 - - Gingin
1892/510 - Mills William M 46 - - Guildford
1892/511 - Maglin - M 27 - - Gascoyne Roads
1892/512 - Perry John M 65 - - Carnarvon
1892/513 - Charles Tom M 38 - - Broome
1892/514 - Gilroy William M 59 - - Broome
1892/515 - Pati Johannes M Unknown - - Broome
1892/516 - King Kin M 35 - - WA
1892/519 - Sexton Lloyd M 43 - - WA
1892/520 - Rumble Ellen F 1 hour - - WA
1892/521 - Stewart Isabel M F F 9 months - - Guildford
1892/522 - McGrath Mary Kathleen F 1 month - - Middle Swan
1892/523 - Morrell Unnamed F Not born alive - - Northam
1892/524 - Thompson Robert M 70 - - Vic Plains
1892/525 - Thomas Maurice M 35 - - Southern Cross
1892/526 - Jones William Arvon M 53 - - Southern Cross
1892/528 - Packwood Luke M 70 - - Marble Bar Goldfields
1892/529 - Bridle John M 30 - - Coppin's Gap
1892/532 - McEvans Edward M Unknown - - Between Shaw River and Coongan River
1892/533 - Metcalfe John M 30 - - Roy Hill
1892/534 - Hall Walter M Unknown - - Ashburton
1892/535 - Flesh Ernest M 40 - - Western Shore
1892/536 - McPhee R C S M Unknown - - Nullagine
1892/538 - Murphy - M 36 - - Croydon Goldfields
1892/539 - Ryan George M 40 - - Croydon Goldfields
1892/540 - Punch - M 45 - - Roebourne
1892/541 - Aranas - M 40 - - Roebourne
1892/542 - Taylor Edward M 44 - - Roebourne Hospital
1892/543 - Floris Simon M 23 - - On Sch Dawn in Flying foam passiages
1892/544 - de le Cruse Raimand M 39 - - Roebuck Bay
1892/545 - Ah Tuk - M 30 - - Cossack
1892/546 - Lowe Blanche Emmiline F 21 - - Roebourne
1892/547 - Lowe Spencer William M 3 months - - Roebourne
1892/548 - Jacky - M 26 - - Wyndham
1892/549 - Williams Richard Learson M 25 - - Northampton
1892/550 - Cousins Georgina F 5 - - Near Dongarra
1892/551 - Rowland Elizabeth F 86 - - Dongarra
1892/552 - Sylvester John M Unknown - - Katanning
1892/553 - Butchart John M 100 - - Perth Butchart-424
1892/554 - Webb Daisy Rosina Camelia F 2 - - Perth
1892/555 - Liddlelow Frederick John M 39 - - Perth
1892/556 - Brooking Arthur Reginald M 16 - - Perth
1892/557 - Johnston Phoebe Ellena F 15 - - Perth
1892/558 - Smith Ellis James M 25 - - Perth
1892/559 - Nicholls John M 74 - - Perth
1892/560 - Wright Ida Marian F 3 - - Perth
1892/561 - Stephens William M 31 - - Perth
1892/562 - Grigson Arthur M 28 - - Yatheroo
1892/563 - Bloomfield James M 24 - - Perth
1892/564 - Pratt Elijah M 25 - - Perth
1892/565 - Mitchell Henry M 39 - - Perth
1892/566 - Smith William M 74 - - Perth
1892/567 - Boxhall Mary Anne F 15 - - Perth
1892/568 - Hodges - F 60 - - Perth
1892/569 - Beresford-Hartnoll Robert O M 4 months - - Clackline
1892/570 - Matthews Ivy F 1 - - Perth
1892/571 - Michan Catherine F 51 - - Perth
1892/572 - Houston William Russell M 75 - - Perth
1892/573 - McGinn Ernest John M 1 month - - Perth
1892/574 - Moore Elizabeth Frances F 8 hours - - Perth
1892/575 - Dawes Margaret F 65 - - Perth
1892/576 - Barwise Edward M 19 - - Perth
1892/577 - Hansen William M 67 - - Perth
1892/578 - Hollis Mary Julia F 45 - - Perth
1892/579 - Allen Kate F 65 - - Perth
1892/580 - Barry Richard M 2 - - Perth
1892/581 - Hodges Wilfred Roy M 8 months - - Beaconsfield
1892/582 - Jolley Thomas M 1 day - - Fremantle
1892/583 - Walter Jane F 13 months - - Fremantle
1892/584 - Mitchell Norman M M 3 - - Fremantle
1892/585 - Levine Elizabeth F 51 - - Fremantle
1892/586 - Flindell James George M 57 - - Fremantle
1892/587 - Rutley Ann F 60 - - Fremantle
1892/588 - Sheard Daisy A F 4 - - Fremantle
1892/589 - Denholm John M 73 - - Fremantle
1892/590 - Deram Elizabeth J F 4 - - Fremantle
1892/591 - Bolton Arthur M 19 - - North Fremantle
1892/592 - McCaffrey William M 50 - - Beaconsfield
1892/593 - Hickey Margaret F 55 - - Fremantle
1892/594 - Doherty Annie Laura F 3 - - Fremantle
1892/595 - Cummins Grace E F 7 - - Fremantle
1892/596 - Mawry - M 42 - - Rottnest
1892/597 - Piggott Benjamin M 78 - - Australind
1892/598 - Purser James Gordon M 13 months - - Newcastle
1892/599 - Delaney John M 64 - - Newcastle
1892/600 - Cresswick Elizabeth Reynold F 18 - - Guildford
1892/601 - Jecks Unknown M 13 days - - Guildford
1892/602 - Connaughton Edith Mary F 6 weeks - - Honey's Mills
1892/603 - O'Flaherty John Arthur M 18 - - Albany
1892/604 - Turner Jane F 14 hours - - Gingin
1892/606 - Beetham Victor Gage M 24 - - Albany
1892/607 - Bailye Ann F 56 - - Albany
1892/608 - McNeece John M 62 - - Greenough
1892/609 - McKenzie Frederick M 24 - - Geraldton
1892/610 - Farmer Bertha Eliza F 13 months - - Mourinup
1892/611 - Sims Frederick Claud Nicholson M 7 weeks - - Jarrahdale
1892/612 - Munday Anne Ketmah F 7 days - - York
1892/613 - McKay Emma F 27 - - York
1892/614 - Shipley Ralph M 67 - - York Hospital
1892/615 - Neller Thomas M 45 - - In the train between Beverley and York
1892/616 - O'Connor Margaret F 77 - - York
1892/617 - Kay Henry M 4 - - Bindoon
1892/618 - Riley Julian John M 1 month - - Gingin
1892/619 - Curpipy Simon M 24 - - New Norcia
1892/620 - Rotumah Geo M 30 - - Off Roebuck Bay
1892/621 - Morayra Pedro M 24 - - Off Cape Villaret
1892/622 - Henry Thomas William M 35 - - West Kimberley
1892/623 - Allen Robert M 33 - - West Kimberley
1892/624 - Mourina - M 35 - - West Kimberley
1892/625 - Mata Mart M 28 - - Near Cape Bossut
1892/626 - Stone Mary Sarah Jane F 2 months - - Coorow
1892/627 - Roberts William Renton Kerr M 4 months - - Southern Cross
1892/628 - Quail Thomas M 63 - - In the Bush
1892/629 - Drage Unnamed M Not born alive - - Northampton
1892/630 - Nirbel Ellen F 1 - - New Norcia
1892/631 - Houston Ellen F 62 - - Perth
1892/632 - Steel George Vandelene M 30 - - Perth
1892/633 - Chipper Henry Richard M 26 - - Perth
1892/634 - Müller Joseph Clive M 3 months - - Perth
1892/635 - Montagu Daisy Annie F 4 days - - Perth
1892/636 - Montagu Cyril Victor M 4 days - - Perth
1892/637 - King Unnamed M Not born alive - - Claremont
1892/638 - Caskie Sarah Thorburne F 35 - - Perth
1892/639 - Horowitz Michael M 5 days - - Perth
1892/640 - Williams Llewellyn Allen M 1 day - - Perth
1892/641 - Rodwell Sarah F 54 - - Perth
1892/642 - Helmsley Richard M 52 - - Perth
1892/643 - Sullivan Unnamed - Not born alive - - Perth
1892/644 - Rodgers Michael M 45 - - Perth
1892/645 - Molyneux Arthur George M 12 hours - - Perth
1892/646 - Ryan Mary F 4 hours - - Perth
1892/647 - Richards Frederick Burns M 34 - - Perth
1892/648 - Ford Fanny F 25 - - Perth
1892/649 - Rouse Albert George M 10 - - South Perth
1892/650 - Lambert Jeanie F 5 days - - Perth
1892/651 - Pride James M 6 months - - Perth
1892/652 - Montgomery Unnamed M Not born alive - - Perth
1892/653 - Speight Ethel Daisy F 1 week - - Perth
1892/654 - White Unnamed M Not born alive - - Perth
1892/655 - Mackey James M 37 - - Cottesloe
1892/656 - Matheson Robert M 43 - - Beaconsfield
1892/657 - Howson Henry A M 3 months - - Fremantle
1892/658 - Hodges Adeline F 3 - - Fremantle
1892/659 - Hughes Sarah Ann F 59 - - Fremantle
1892/660 - McCarthy Mary Magdelene F 2 - - Fremantle
1892/661 - Scanlan Frederick Burke M 76 - - Fremantle
1892/662 - Scott James M 78 - - Fremantle
1892/663 - O'Grady Eulalie F 49 - - Fremantle
1892/664 - Gallop Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/665 - Millar Margaret Ellen F 6 weeks - - Fremantle
1892/667 - Ross William M 54 - - Karridale
1892/668 - Williams Thomas M 103 - - Near Northampton
1892/669 - Henrickson James Henry M 2 - - Williams
1892/670 - Norrish John M 45 - - Kojonup
1892/671 - Ah Chong - M 25 - - Goblup
1892/672 - Green Zebulon M 23 - - Broome Hill
1892/673 - McAullay Alexander Martin M 7 days - - Wagin
1892/674 - Walker John R M 23 - - Back Flats
1892/675 - Beeson William M 63 - - Greenough
1892/676 - Reynolds Laurence Dennis M 22 months - - Greenough
1892/677 - Bridgeman Joseph M 83 - - Greenough
1892/678 - Beswick Catherine Elizabeth F 49 - - Geraldton
1892/679 - Jennings Mary F 62 - - Geraldton
1892/681 - Hall John M 54 - - Geraldton
1892/682 - Costello John M 64 - - Geraldton
1892/683 - Dow Hugh M 27 - - Geraldton
1892/684 - Horgan James M 60 - - Guildford
1892/685 - Gort Thomas M 10 days - - Honeys Mill
1892/686 - Billett Unknown M 12 hours - - Guildford
1892/687 - Warlaw James Bishop M 1 month - - Northam
1892/688 - Meares Mary Ann F 83 - - Northam
1892/689 - Seabrook Henry Frederick John M 37 - - Beverley
1892/690 - Pumphrey Unnamed F Not born alive - - Beverley
1892/691 - Armstrong Christopher M 59 - - Newcastle
1892/692 - Pine Anthony M 45 - - Newcastle
1892/693 - Gilbert Anne F 73 - - Bunbury
1892/694 - Prosser Unnamed F Not born alive - - Near Bunbury
1892/695 - Fisher Unnamed F Not born alive - - Preston
1892/696 - Smith Unnamed M Not born alive - - Bunbury
1892/697 - Caporn Harriet F 40 - - Bunbury
1892/698 - King George M 65 - - Bunbury
1892/699 - Styants Frederick William M 12 - - Capel
1892/700 - Wheatley Mabel Elvey F 1 - - The Warren
1892/702 - Japan Sanecrow M 38 - - 18 miles South West of Mangrove Point
1892/703 - Henry James M 13 - - Jarrahdale
1892/704 - Busfield Eda F 37 - - Jarrahdale
1892/705 - McKail James Eric M 4 months - - Albany
1892/706 - Nutall Harry Kendrew M 5 months - - Albany
1892/707 - Hartnup William M 10 - - Albany
1892/708 - Berthold Frederick Paul M 9 months - - York
1892/709 - Johnson Richard M 8 days - - Maywood
1892/710 - Peacock Minnie Matilda F 10 weeks - - Quelinton
1892/711 - Hammond John Enoch M 65 - - Northam
1892/712 - Cross Henrietta Edwards F 29 - - Perth
1892/713 - Mackenzie Donald M 72 - - Perth
1892/714 - Eades Nellie F 6 - - Perth
1892/715 - Savage George M 64 - - Perth
1892/716 - Kormanshaus Carl M 31 - - Perth
1892/717 - Howes Frederick M 34 - - Perth
1892/718 - Philips Henry M 63 - - Perth
1892/719 - Mill Laura L F 24 - - Perth
1892/720 - Nesbit Vincent Edward M 36 - - Cottesloe
1892/721 - Tredrea Mary F 1 day - - Perth
1892/722 - Bowra Harold Atlee M 1 - - Perth
1892/723 - Callanan Matthew M 14 weeks - - Perth
1892/724 - Seery Ellen F 19 hours - - Perth
1892/725 - Kirby Robert M 53 - - Perth
1892/726 - Lipschitz Hyman M 75 - - Perth
1892/727 - Evans John M 73 - - Perth
1892/728 - Hyland Martin M 79 - - Perth
1892/729 - Knox William M 31 - - Perth
1892/730 - McGuiness Thomas George M 30 - - Perth
1892/731 - Fitzgerald Thomas M 60 - - Perth
1892/732 - Moss George M 67 - - Perth
1892/733 - Dowling Timothy M 25 - - Perth
1892/734 - Roach John M 65 - - Perth
1892/735 - Ryan Arthur William M 25 - - Perth
1892/736 - Bryan Marie Deborah F 2 weeks - - Perth
1892/737 - Lambe Ivy F 15 months - - Perth
1892/738 - Hughes Peter James M 36 - - Fremantle
1892/739 - Pearson John M 69 - - Fremantle
1892/740 - Bampton Harry M 35 - - Fremantle
1892/741 - Fannon Eveline Maude F 11 months - - Fremantle
1892/742 - Johnson John M 81 - - Fremantle
1892/743 - Riley Eliza E F 57 - - Fremantle
1892/744 - James - M 24 - - Fremantle
1892/745 - John Aileen M F 7 months - - Fremantle
1892/746 - Lewis Harold W M 1 month - - Fremantle
1892/747 - McLeod George M 63 - - Swansea
1892/748 - Whitbread William M 20 - - Fremantle
1892/749 - Reddill Marie Isabel F 35 - - Fremantle
1892/750 - Snook Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/751 - Scott Charlotte F 27 - - York
1892/752 - Crogan William M 30 - - Bunbury
1892/753 - Britton Anna Louisa F 7 days - - Bunbury
1892/754 - Farrol Frederich M 1 week - - Near Pinjarrah
1892/755 - Mottram Charles Samuel M 23 - - The Warren
1892/756 - Gee Unnamed M Not born alive - - Gingin
1892/757 - Gee Susannah F 25 - - Gingin
1892/758 - Ferguson Thomas M 66 - - Upper Swan
1892/759 - Connor Daniel M 59 - - Newcastle
1892/761 - Flora - F 10 - - Geraldton
1892/762 - Thomas William Sidney M 3 months - - Geraldton
1892/763 - Clough Joseph Weston M 22 - - Geraldton
1892/764 - Walley Agatha F 6 - - New Norcia
1892/765 - Ah Moon - M 34 - - Burkshier Valley
1892/766 - Ring Caroline F 28 - - Round Pool
1892/767 - Williams Grifith M 30 - - Wannaminup
1892/769 - Yemin Andrew M 60 - - Roebourne
1892/770 - Langley John Geoffrey M 41 - - At Sea Between Broome and Cossack
1892/771 - Pearse Reginald Taunton M 6 weeks - - Roebourne
1892/772 - Ah Bow - M 30 - - Roebourne
1892/773 - Lung Byng M 23 - - WA
1892/774 - Hill John M 55 - - Coongan
1892/775 - Ah Cow - M 32 - - Tableland
1892/776 - De Boer Thomas M 37 - - Coongan Goldfields
1892/777 - De Mordi Charles M 65 - - Nullagine
1892/778 - Dillon John M 36 - - Roebourne
1892/779 - Cavanagh Evlyn Maud F 9 - - Roebourne
1892/780 - Cavanagh Henry Charles Roebourne M 7 - - Roebourne
1892/781 - Norman Sydney M 30 - - Pilbarra Goldfields
1892/782 - Sims Sarah Jane F 37 - - Near Northampton
1892/783 - Healey John M 20 - - Greenough
1892/784 - Murphy John M 30 - - Albany
1892/785 - Montgomery Katherine F hours - - Cranbrook
1892/787 - Hamilton David M 53 - - Perth
1892/788 - Campbell Thomas Cockburn M 47 - - Perth
1892/789 - Back Unnamed M Not born alive - - Perth
1892/790 - Chipper Jessie Sophia F 22 - - Perth
1892/791 - Glyde William Horace Draper M 33 - - Perth
1892/792 - Jones William S M 73 - - Perth
1892/793 - Callaway Michael William Francis M 3 months - - Perth
1892/794 - Dhu Frederick John Thomley M 3 - - Perth
1892/795 - Dromey Cyril Lima M 6 months - - Perth
1892/796 - Burkinshaw Blanche Lillian F 6 months - - Perth
1892/797 - Molloy Thomas M 75 - - Fremantle
1892/798 - Monoghan John M 54 - - Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
1892/799 - Ashton Louisa Frances F 42 - - North Fremantle
1892/800 - Palmer William M 58 - - Fremantle Prison Hospital
1892/801 - Tomlinson Unnamed M Not born alive - - Richmond
1892/802 - Dreyer Mary F 57 - - Northam
1892/803 - Macnamara Ellen F 24 - - Guildford
1892/804 - Macnamara Louis James M 7 days - - Guildford
1892/805 - Wilson Emma Eustance F 29 - - Guildford
1892/806 - Parsons Messech Lance M 65 - - Albany
1892/807 - Cowburn Joseph M 69 - - Albany
1892/808 - Sutton James Aspinalt M 32 - - York
1892/809 - Billings Joseph M 42 - - York Hospital
1892/810 - Miskaviez Helena Pelicia F 3 - - Serpentine
1892/811 - Gates Mary Ann F 6 weeks - - Jarrahdale
1892/812 - Robinson Roland Bellhouse M 11 months - - Serpentine
1892/813 - Love William M 47 hours - - Jarrahdale
1892/814 - Flemming Grace Adela F 5 months - - Busselton
1892/815 - Connelly Julia F 1 hour - - Greenough
1892/816 - Hall James M 2 months - - Geraldton
1892/817 - Ah Moy - M Unknown - - Geraldton
1892/818 - Eastough Bridget F 38 - - Near Geraldton
1892/819 - Miller William Henry M 71 - - Geraldton
1892/820 - Cashen Amelia F 65 - - Geraldton
1892/821 - Keating Arthur M 1 day - - Northampton
1892/822 - Keating Samuel M 1 day - - Northampton
1892/823 - Mooruroo - M 40 - - Wyndham
1892/825 - Delgado Mariano M 28 - - Broome
1892/826 - Tongallo E M 35 - - Broome
1892/827 - Tanaki - M 35 - - West Kimberley
1892/828 - Thornton Henry M 50 - - West Kimberley
1892/829 - Hornabrook George M 31 - - Southern Cross
1892/830 - Polglaze Alexander M 6 days - - Fremantle
1892/831 - Allen Arthur M 65 - - North Fremantle
1892/832 - Lyriam Margaret Mary F 12 months - - Fremantle
1892/833 - Chester William David Gra M 6 - - Fremantle
1892/834 - Donovan John Edward M 3 months - - Fremantle
1892/835 - Cross Herbert G M 10 months - - Fremantle
1892/836 - Newport Percy M 5 - - Fremantle
1892/837 - Mead William M 66 - - Rockingham
1892/838 - Ray Daisey F 2 - - Fremantle
1892/839 - Jones Ishmael M 74 - - Fremantle
1892/840 - Farmer Unnamed F Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/841 - Bluett Harold M 3 months - - Fremantle
1892/842 - Back Pearl F 7 days - - Fremantle
1892/843 - Langdon John F M 4 months - - Fremantle
1892/844 - Langdon Frederick C M 4 months - - Fremantle
1892/845 - Donegan Margaret F 85 - - Newcastle
1892/846 - Payne George M 77 - - Capel
1892/847 - Gardiner Margaret F 57 - - Ferguson
1892/848 - Rosselloty George Crampern M 22 - - Stratham
1892/849 - Carroll James M 39 - - Dardanup
1892/850 - Gibbons Richard M Unknown - - Bunbury
1892/851 - Shaw William M 39 - - Jarrahdale
1892/852 - Spry Unnamed F minutes - - York
1893/853 - Excell Ernest M 27 - - Nannine in the Murchison Goldfield
1892/853 - Screagh James M 2 days - - York
1893/854 - Kidd Samuel M 47 - - Cue in the Murchison Goldfield
1892/854 - Scott Charlotte F 67 - - Glen Irwin
1892/855 - Comerford Ellen F 28 - - York
1892/856 - Tomlinson Charles M 65 - - York Hospital
1892/857 - Pollard Harold M 2 - - Guildford
1892/858 - Connaighton Unnamed F Not born alive - - Guildford
1892/859 - Cherrill William Frederick M 42 - - Albany
1892/860 - Ryan John M 68 - - Albany
1892/861 - Chisholm Thomas M 25 - - "P and O SS ""Arcadia"""
1892/862 - White John M 60 - - Toodyay
1892/863 - Tussler Harriet Martha F 10 months - - Karbakine
1892/864 - Thompson John M 39 - - Katanning
1892/865 - Cousins Robert M 69 - - Near Dongarra
1892/866 - Smith Ellen F 57 - - Greenough
1892/867 - Walker Hilda Georgette F 19 - - Geraldton
1892/868 - Keeley John Charles M 2 - - Near Geraldton
1892/869 - Burton Unnamed M Not born alive - - Geraldton
1892/870 - McClure Jane F 59 - - Near Geraldton
1892/871 - Miller James M 3 days - - Near Geraldton
1892/872 - Allender Walter Joseph M 11 - - Near Mullewa
1892/873 - Pinto John M 21 - - Broome
1892/874 - Halle - M 28 - - Near Condon
1892/875 - Connell Roy Edwin M 14 hours - - Perth
1892/876 - Bishop Thomas M 73 - - Perth
1892/877 - Lee Ethel Mary F 2 - - Perth
1892/878 - Steel Mary Louisa F 3 days - - Perth
1892/879 - Mackay Susan F 64 - - Perth
1892/880 - Naismith William Samuel M 12 hours - - Near Perth
1892/881 - Morris Lambert Knighton M 5 months - - Perth
1892/882 - Jackson Unnamed M Not born alive - - Perth
1892/883 - Heyworth Thomas M 66 - - Perth
1892/884 - Hearlehey Mary F 67 - - Perth
1892/885 - Parker Charles Nasnanam M 36 - - Perth
1892/886 - Lawrence May F 2 months - - Perth
1892/887 - Jones Mary Ann F 46 - - Perth
1892/888 - Moriarty Patrick M 33 - - Perth
1892/889 - Wilson Lancelot Strickland M 1 month - - Perth
1892/890 - Britnall Unnamed F Not born alive - - Perth
1892/891 - Young George M 65 - - Perth
1892/892 - Buck Sarah F 50 - - Perth
1892/893 - Anderson Harold M 3 months - - Perth
1892/894 - Mathews Frederick James M 5 months - - Perth
1892/895 - Strutt Alice Smith F 6 days - - Perth
1892/896 - Roberts Ethel Maud F 2 months - - Perth
1892/897 - Herdsman Elizabeth Mary F 4 months - - Perth
1892/898 - Weaver Mary F 70 - - Perth
1892/899 - Burns Catherine F 74 - - Perth
1892/900 - Shone George M 71 - - Perth
1892/901 - Burridge Henry M 78 - - Perth
1892/902 - Lancaster Allen M 84 - - Perth
1892/903 - Escott Cathrine F 5 months - - Perth
1892/904 - Charles Castledine M 38 - - Colonial Hospital
1892/905 - Herbert Susan Mary F 20 - - Near Mingenew
1892/906 - Rumble Ernest William M 16 - - Milo
1892/907 - Jones Fanny F 26 - - Near Lynton
1892/908 - Allan Richard Joseph M Not born alive - - Thistle Dale
1892/909 - Johnson Helena Augusta F 5 - - Northampton
1892/910 - Brockman John M 5 days - - Geraldton
1892/911 - Carroll Patrick M 62 - - Geraldton
1892/912 - Kavanagh John M 53 - - Geraldton
1892/913 - Dow Leslie Gerald M 4 months - - Geraldton
1892/914 - Houghton George Frederick M 18 months - - -
1892/915 - Hall Emily Amelia F 5 months - - Guildford
1892/916 - Nolan Michael M 70 - - Swan Bridge
1892/917 - Taylor Martha Linda F 4 months - - Lion Mills
1892/918 - Fauntleroy Ida F 7 days - - Guildford
1892/919 - Chifney Richard M 12 months - - Wilberforce
1892/920 - Wheeler Walter M 5 months - - York
1892/921 - Connell William M 30 - - Fremantle
1892/922 - Hillier Henry M 80 - - Fremantle Invalid Depot
1892/923 - Pickering George M 17 days - - Fremantle
1892/924 - McIntyre Unnamed M 1 hour - - Fremantle
1892/925 - Raynor Henry M 5 months - - Beaconsfield
1892/926 - Davies Arthur M 4 months - - North Fremantle
1892/927 - Henderson John M 74 - - Fremantle
1892/928 - Andrews John S M 30 - - Fremantle
1892/929 - La Motte Cecelia F 10 months - - Fremantle
1892/930 - Pilling Unnamed M 1 hour - - Fremantle
1892/931 - Cameron Walter Guy M 2 - - Fremantle
1892/932 - Johnson Clarence F C M 8 months - - Fremantle
1892/933 - Cripps Leonard Vivian M 7 days - - Fremantle
1892/934 - Munro Unnamed M Not born alive - - Fremantle
1892/935 - Wheattey William M 60 - - Toodyay
1892/936 - Gibbings William M 63 - - Northam
1892/937 - Lyon Beatrice Jessie F 4 months - - Northam
1892/938 - Walker Thomas M 27 - - Albany Hospital
1892/939 - Weltch Richard Oliver M 7 months - - Albany
1892/940 - Smith Thomas Richard M 37 - - Albany
1892/941 - Mitchell Agnes Rebecca F 2 months - - Albany
1892/942 - Mainwaring George Thomas M 20 - - Bunbury
1892/943 - Cridland Unnamed F Not born alive - - Bunbury
1892/944 - Spencer Margaret F 93 - - Bunbury
1892/945 - Farmer Sophia Jane F 20 - - Hotham River
1892/946 - Schorer Unnamed M Not born alive - - Wandering
1892/947 - Blackmore Dora Agnes F 33 - - Arthur
1892/948 - Bishop George M 59 - - Toodyay
1892/949 - Tappo Mary Cecily F 18 months - - New Norcia
1892/950 - Turner Amy Elizabeth F 11 months - - Jarrahdale
1892/951 - Baldwin Frances F 5 - - Serpentine
1892/952 - Alderson Richard M 71 - - Pinjarrah
1892/953 - Kennedy Luke M 65 - - Colonial Hosp
1892/954 - Hassell Florrie F 7 weeks - - Perth
1892/955 - Allen Henry M 62 - - Perth
1892/956 - Boyle Edward M 75 - - Perth
1892/957 - G Stewart Francis M 32 - - Perth
1892/958 - Younge Bernard Edward M 10 months - - Perth
1892/959 - Ritchie Peter M 21 - - Perth
1892/960 - Buckland Thomas M 60 - - Perth
1892/961 - Pady Emma F 32 - - Perth
1892/962 - Gray Unnamed M Not born alive - - Perth
1892/963 - Collins Laurence Joseph M 17 months - - Perth
1892/964 - McCulloch John M 66 - - Perth
1892/965 - Barnett Isabella Ellen Grace F 20 - - Perth
1892/966 - Bush Walter Cecil M 1 - - Perth
1892/969 - Davis Barrington M 35 - - Perth Railway Station
1892/970 - Hayes John Patrick M 4 weeks - - Perth
1892/971 - Taylor George M 52 - - Perth
1892/972 - Pate Lizzie F 25 - - Perth
1892/973 - Baker Margaret F 52 - - Perth
1892/974 - Harris Thom Malcolm M 3 months - - Perth
1892/100501 - Lynch Unnamed M 1 hour - - Near Geraldton
1892/100570 - Hudson Ellen F 30 - - Perth
1892/300964 - Alecaria Basiano M 27 - - Broome